Signs that Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced


Signs that Your Roof Needs to Be Replaced

The roof is a critical part of your house that keeps you safe from the outside elements. This is why having knowledge of whether you need a new roof or not can be vital for the peace of mind that comes from knowing you live in a safe and secure house.

“Does my roof need to be replaced and how frequently? What signs should inform me that I need a new roof?” These are some of the questions that we will be answering in this article.

So take your flashlight, climb up to your attic, and look for the following signs that will tell you when you need to replace your roof.

Conduct an Interior Roof Check

Grab yourself that light and detective intuition to find some clues on some of these signs that indicate it’s time to get a new roof. Just make sure you’re safe as you conduct these inspections. Remember, you don’t have to check the roof yourself, you can look for professional roofers nearby who know how to do all of the necessary repairs.  


Look for the following signs:

·         Dark Streaks and Stains  

Dark patches in your house could be a sign of dampness or water damage from your roof. These patches, which can be seen from the inside of the house may appear ugly, black and dirty.

Such patches are usually algae that survive on photosynthesis and they feed on the limestone fillers that are used in shingles. If they’re not removed on time, the algae may discolor and stain the walls and ceilings of your house, giving your house an unsanitary look.

·         Daylight Through the Roof Boards

In the darkness of the attic, look for sunrays beaming through cracks or holes in your roof. If you find any light piercing through, then it’s important to replace your roof promptly.

Do note that if the light is getting through, then it’s likely that water may be getting into your insulation, too.

If you notice a spongy feel when walking on the roof boards, this could be a sign of water damage. This could mean that the roof is being weakened by the moisture and needs replacement.

·         Saggy Areas

Water damage or leaking water will also make your roof structure appear to sag. A sagging roof could also mean that it is old and weak and therefore needs to be replaced.

How do you identify what caused the damage? Press the deformed area from the inside with a long stick. If the area feels hard, then you know that the roof is old. If the area feels soft, then this could very well be water damage. Regardless of the cause, a sagging roof is a clear indication that it needs to be replaced.

·         Roof Age

The average age of a roof is between 20 to 25 years. You need to review your home improvement records to identify how long ago the roof was replaced or reshingled. Knowing when the roof was installed may give you an idea of its remaining shelf life.

Depending on your type of roof and material used, you may want to replace it after some time. For example, a roof installed over an existing layer of shingles should be replaced after 20 years.

Conduct an Exterior Roof Check

An exterior roof check helps you mitigate any defect on the roof before it becomes an expensive undertaking.

It’s safe to have your exterior roof check done by expert roofers as they have the experience and dexterity to handle the check and repairs. This approach helps avoid unnecessary injuries or even more damages to the roof.

What signs should you check for in the roof exterior?

·         Unwanted House Plants

The presence of moss, mold or fungi on your roof should be an indicator of trapped moisture. Mosses are plant species that grow in damp habitats.

To remove the moss that’s collecting on your roof, use a stiff brush and look for any underlying problems.


·         Check the Shingles

You should check your rooftop for any defects, especially after a heavy storm. Check the shingles for cracks or buckling. The decay of shingles is common and is evidenced by the presence of cracks.

Finally, check for worn-away or missing shingles. To do this, inspect the gutters for heaped shingle granules. Finding the granules in the gutters strongly implies the roof is at the end of its life cycle and needs replacement. The irregular or darker color on particular parts of the roof also indicates worn-away granules.


·         Rotting

Look for signs of rotting and decaying in wooden and asphalt roofs. These signs include moldy build-up, rotting boards and sagging spots (primarily at the lowest points of the roof).

·         Damaged and Broken Flashing

Flashing is the sealing of areas around chimneys and vents with either tar, metal or cement. The seals protect the roof from rain and other harsh climatic conditions.

Cracks or breaks on the flashing expose the roof to water damage through leaks. The cracks are a sign you should upgrade your roof. You could consider a metal flashing system for added durability.

Wrapping up

There are various points in the interior and exterior of our roof that need to be critically assessed.  The signs to indicate that we need to replace our roof are something the ordinary Joe can spot if they know what they are looking for. So get informed and have your checklist (of the signs of damage) as you inspect the roof. Don’t be shy to get a helping hand from any professional roofers as it might save you a lot of time and unnecessary worry.

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