December 2016


6 Signs It’s Time to Either Remodel or Sell Your Home

Before choosing to either sell or remodel your dwelling, you want to take into account whether you’ll get a return investment on both options. If you choose to update, what’s the average time you’ll gain back the money for your renovation project. If you list and sell, you need to assess whether you’ll earn back the expenses of purchasing a new home. The following are signs to...


Crawling Insects Tough in the Home But Not Invincible

As humans, we tend to love getting a leg up in this world but no matter many breaks we get, our gams will never compare to that of crawling insects. For one, they’ve got a lot more of them than we do and each one is a pretty impressive piece of engineering. How so? Let’s grab magnifying glasses and take a quick look at what crawling insects have going for them in terms of their basic...


Modular Construction as the Future of Home Building

Manufacturers have used the assembly line to create everything from cars to shoes for more than 100 years. Even as far back as 1913, they saw a six-fold decrease in production time by employing this strategy. However, assembly line production never made its way to the mainstream of construction industry until now. Perhaps this resistence to change is why productivity in this field has been on a steady...


7 Things I Wish I Knew When I Bought My First House

Buying a home can be an overwhelming, exciting, nerve-racking, mistake making, learn-as-you-go process. Whether you’re doing it with the help of a realtor or attempting to go solo (we recommend the former) there are a lot of things that go into a successful home purchase. Here are 7 things that previous homeowners wish someone would have told them about navigating the real estate market. Hopefully,...


Meet the real estate agents of the modern day

Those individuals who are searching for real estate options in and around the vicinity of the downtown west palm beach apartments must get in touch with the Modern Living Real Estate, which represents not only the buyers but the renters and the investors as well very effectively in the current times. In fact, the company has a number of impressive agents working under them who are allotted the different...


Why Use a Custom Design for Your Dream Home?

When considering to build a home, the three major options available include an already-made design, the remodelling of a pre-existing house, or a custom design. While the first two options come with limitations and the feeling of living someone else’s dream, the third gives you all the freedom in the world. If you are the type of individual that relishes the fulfilment that accompanies starting a...


Is a Dining Room on a Buyer’s Wish List?

All buyers have a wish list. Some items on a wish list are practical, like wanting a third bedroom for a child on the way, or impractical, like coveting an indoor swimming pool, even though you can only afford a first-time buyer property. For the seller, it is often hard to know what a prospective buyer is looking for. You can decorate and renovate all you like, but unless you hand out a questionnaire to...


6 Tips for a Better Kitchen Remodel

Your kitchen is something that you use every day, so it's important that you pay attention to its fashion and its function. But what if you aren't sure where to get started? If you're serious about designing the best workspace that you can, here are just a few tips for a better kitchen remodel.  1. Set Goals and Guidelines What do you hope to accomplish with your remodel? Why are you doing it, and...


How to design a spanking new house to make it a home

Buying a newly-built house is an exciting experience, and the first time you enter your property is magic. There are definitely advantages to being the first one with the keys. The place will be clean and ready for decoration, so you can easily move in with your boxes, belongings and furniture right away, knowing that all you have to do initially is to unpack. A removals company like can...


Awesome bathroom renovations in Sydney

 The is what most people call a bathroom renovation and there a “real” bathroom renovation! Having been a bathroom fitter or “renovator” I should know what i’m talking about as over many years fitted some basic suites and some real luxury units.  The two can be a million miles from each other and there are many reasons for that.  One of the finest...

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