Sell Overseas Property Fast

Advertise to international property buyers in their language

Unparalleled Overseas Property Advertising Experience Since 2002

To sell international property effectively we know from our own experience that you need to access a global audience. We do just that to showcase your high-end listings you need to be in the right environment.  That’s why we’ve dedicated ourselves to providing an elite advertising platform tailored for high-end real estate in Europe. Our robust online presence since 1998 makes us the go-to platform for discerning homeowners and agents.

Unlimited Listings

You’re free to upload unlimited listings on our website, showcasing the best of your luxury properties to a targeted audience. We also accept XML property feeds. 

Marketing in several languages

With over 20 years online we are a trusted place for buyers in search of high-end real estate. We have learned that listings that are presented in several languages attract a fresh stream of leads. All our members’ listings are translated into 9 different languages.

Exclusive Facebook groups & pages 

We have created a huge global network of Facebook Groupd and pages that are an ideal way of promoting your real estate services and property listings. Become a Facebook Premium Member and enjoy unmoderated access to targeted buyers and investors for your specific region. See list of pages and groups here 

We translate your property listings into the world’s most popular languages

With over 20 years online we are a trusted place for buyers in search of international real estate. We have learned that listings that are presented in several languages attract a fresh stream of leads.

All our members’ listings are translated into 9 different languages. See our translated websites 

Arabic | Chinese | Dutch | French | German | Italian | Portuguese | RussianSpanish 


For Sale By Owner
  • Time Period: 12 months
  • Properties: 1
  • Featured Listings: 1
  • Your listing translated into 9 languages
  • Leads emailed directly to you
  • Social media networks including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Direct links to your website
  • Share your video on our YouTube and social channels
  • Include a blog post in our news section
  • No commission
  • Cancel at anytime 
For Sale By Owner Gold

Automatically promoted to high net-worth buyers on 

  • Time Period: 12 months
  • Properties: 1
  • Featured Listings: 20
  • Your listings translated into 9 languages
  • Leads emailed directly to you
  • Social media networks including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Direct links to your website
  • Share your video on our YouTube and social channels
  • Include a blog post written by you in our news section each month (email this to us) 
  • No commission
  • Cancel at anytime 
Facebook Premium Member

Facebook Groups & Pages Only

  • Time Period: Monthly
  • Unmoderated access
  • Your posts instantly available to members without waiting
  • Join over 45 Facebook Groups dedicated to real estate in specific areas
  • Post listings 
  • Post requests and real estate related  promotions 
  • Time Period: Monthly 
  • Cancel at anytime 

Agents Membership

Agency Partner
  • Time Period: Monthly
  • Properties: Unlimited
  • XML Feeds (send to us) 
  • Featured Listings: 20
  • Your listing translated into 9 languages
  • Leads emailed directly to you
  • Social media networks including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Direct links to your website
  • Share your video on our YouTube and social channels
  • Include a blog post in our news section
  • No commission
  • Cancel at anytime 
Agency Gold Premium

Automatically promoted to high net-worth buyers on our luxury website

  • Time Period: 6 months
  • Properties: Unlimited
  • XML Feeds (send to us) 
  • Featured Listings: 20
  • Your listings translated into 9 languages
  • Leads emailed directly to you
  • Social media networks including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Direct links to your website
  • Share your video on our YouTube and social channels
  • Include a blog post written by you in our news section (email this to us) 
  • Listing in our agency directory
  • No commission
  • Cancel at anytime 
  • Lower cost 6 monthly payment

Publish Your Articles

Members including agencies and home owners can submit an an article to be published on our blog. Agencies benefit from valuable search engine links to their websites to boost their search engine rankings. We can even write articles for you at a small extra fee.

Unlock Multilingual Marketing for International Buyers

Advertise overseas property and sell your home abroad. Sell your property abroad to international buyers who are waiting. Start today!

When you list with us, your property details are translated into Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Hindi, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Italian. Not only does your listing appear on, but it also spans our vast network of multilingual websites.

Captivate potential buyers searching in their native language, breaking down linguistic barriers. Benefit from maximum exposure across the world’s most spoken languages, reaching a diverse audience effortlessly. opens the door to international opportunities, making your property a global contender in the real estate market

How to create the perfect international property listing

Creating the perfect luxury home listing requires a keen eye for detail, an understanding of your target market, and the ability to showcase the property’s unique features in the best light. Here’s a 300-word guide to crafting a listing that attracts discerning buyers:

  1. High-Quality Photography: Invest in professional photography to capture the beauty of the home. Use wide-angle shots to show the scale and layout of rooms. Include shots taken at different times of the day to highlight natural lighting and the ambiance of the property.

  2. Engaging Description: Start with a captivating opening that highlights the property’s most luxurious feature. Use descriptive language to paint a picture of living in the home. Focus on unique elements like custom architecture, high-end finishes, or state-of-the-art technology.

  3. Highlight Lifestyle Benefits: Luxury buyers are looking for more than just a home; they are buying into a lifestyle. Highlight proximity to upscale amenities, exclusive community features, or the prestige of the neighborhood.

  4. Detail Key Features: Be specific about the property’s features. Mention the type of wood in the flooring, brands of appliances, smart home capabilities, and any other high-end details.

  5. Virtual Tours and Videos: Offer virtual tours or high-quality videos that allow potential buyers to experience the property online. This is especially important for attracting international or out-of-state buyers who may not be able to visit in person initially.

  6. Testimonials or History: If available, include testimonials from previous owners or a brief history of the property. This can add an emotional appeal and a sense of legacy to the home.

  7. SEO Optimization: Use keywords that potential buyers might use to search for luxury homes. Include the location, property type, and high-value features in your listing to improve its visibility online.

  8. Responsive Contact Information: Make sure that potential buyers can easily contact you. Provide multiple communication channels and ensure quick response times.

By combining stunning visuals, compelling narratives, and detailed information, your luxury home listing will stand out and appeal to high-end buyers. Remember, you’re not just selling a property; you’re selling a dream and a lifestyle.


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