You might think that “home” insurance would cover just your home but quality insurance brokers will tell you otherwise. There is so much more to a home insurance policy that it requires a bit of an explanation. Before requesting information from an insurance broker, take a look at this guide so that you can understand the four things that are typically covered in a home insurance policy. This will allow you to be better prepared when sitting down to purchase your home insurance policy.
1. Personal Property
Home insurance can provide coverage for your personal belongings of value. This can mean things such as household appliances or treasured possessions and it covers them in the event of damage, theft, or loss. There are some things that may not be covered so talk to your agent rather than just assuming.
There are also certain valuables that may exceed your personal property coverage limits. This can entail things like jewellery or, in some cases, extremely valuable sports cards or other collectibles that hold real value.
Again, check with local insurance brokers like Duliban Insurance before going forward as some items may be covered while others may not have the exact type of coverage that you want.
2. Dwelling Coverage
This is the kind of coverage that covers your home directly as well as the structures that are directly attached to it, such as a deck or attached garage. These will generally have less loopholes than things such as personal property.
Dwelling insurance will keep your home protected against severe weather, theft, fire, and other potential damaging forces. This will give you peace of mind as well as monetary compensation whenever there are essential repairs that need to be done.
When purchasing a home with a mortgage, home insurance is generally mandatory for the reasons outlined above.
3. Liability Coverage
There are unfortunately times where a neighbour, a friend, or another kind of visitor happens to get injured on your property. When this happens, liability coverage can keep you protected if they should need health care as a result of that injury.
Liability coverage is great to have in the event of accidents as you can never be certain how a person will react to situations such as those. This way, your home, your belongings, and your money are protected should any ill fortune befall your guests.
Keep yourself protected and keep your visitors’ care in mind with liability coverage on your policy.
4. Detached Private Structures
As mentioned previously, your home insurance will cover your home as well as those structures that are directly attached to the home. But they also cover things that are on your property even if they aren’t directly attached to the home.
This can mean things such as detached garages, tool sheds, fences, and other structures that may be on your property. This can come especially in handy in the event of a big storm or a flood that does damage to your property but not your home. It keeps everything near and dear to you covered.