Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Increase The Value Of Your Home
Making energy-efficient upgrades to your home is an effective way of boosting its value. High-performance homes with green features sell for an average of 3.46% more than regular homes, a recent IMT study reveals. Eco-friendly upgrades can lower your carbon footprint, reduce energy expenditure, and cut bills, therefore increasing the value of your home and making it more attractive to buyers.
Tankless water heaters
Unlike conventional water heaters, tankless models heat and cool water as and when you need it instead of keeping large amounts of water hot at all times. They’re also smaller and last around 20 years longer. Tankless water heaters cost around $2,500-$5,000 to install depending on how big your home is. In return, it’ll slash your energy bills by at least roughly 20% on average. For best results, get your heater installed closest to where you’ll need it (like your bathroom or kitchen) since it doesn’t store hot water but rather has to heat cold water immediately.
Exterior doors
Upgrading your exterior door can boost energy-efficiency drastically. Energy Star-certified exterior doors can save up to 10% on heating and cooling costs. In particular, a steel door is a durable and affordable energy-efficient option. It costs roughly $1,800 to purchase and install and adds around $1,300 in value, resulting in a ROI of 75%. Alternatively, fiberglass doors work well in extreme climates whereas steel tends to sweat in cold or humid environments. It costs roughly $3,200 to install and adds around $2,500 in value (a 77% ROI). You’ll be able to install a pre-hung door by yourself. However, if it’s not the same size as your old door, you’ll need to hire a reputable and experienced custom home builder to install it, Mangum Builders advises.
Fixed or ventilating skylights
Artificial lighting accounts for 40-50% of your home’s energy usage. Installing skylights in your bathrooms and utility room, for example, provides ample natural light and lowers your energy bills significantly. Additionally, some skylights open to let fresh air in, which reduces humidity and mold problems that typically occur in closed and damp rooms. The cost of installing skylights varies — closed skylights that can’t open are most affordable, while ventilating skylights that open with remote control are pricier.
Green features are increasingly important to the eco- and budget-conscious alike. Upgrading your home with these eco-friendly features will boost its value and attract buyers.