When you are going to university, it is likely that this will be your first time living somewhere that is not your family home. Deciding where you are going to live for the next year of your life is a very big decision and it is not something which should be taken lightly. There are many things that you will need to consider like the location of your institution, the quality and the price. Student halls get a bad reputation for being loud and untidy and so they are not always the preferred option.
The good news is that there has been an increase in the amount of luxury student accommodation on offer in various cities across the UK. Companies like Almero Student Mansions offer amazing boutique apartments and homes for you to get your university experience off to a great start. Almero are just one of the many great options available to you so keep reading if you would like to know why you should choose this option over student halls.
These types of luxury accommodation companies offer a complete package when you choose to rent from them. You’ll get your room, whether it is a studio or in a shared apartment, all bills included, en-suite bathrooms as well as free laundry services, all included in the price. They have so much to offer and many even include communal areas for you to socialise in and onsite gyms or cinemas.
When you choose a private student accommodation option you can be assured that you will still be in very close proximity to your college or university. Almero Student Mansions provide amazing accommodation close to universities like the University of Nottingham or Bristol University. This means that you’ll be able to get to your classes more easily and you’ll be close to your friends who might be staying in halls.
One thing that luxury student accommodations offer over some halls is the choice to live with your friends. If you and your friends go to university together then you might find that you want to live together. These types of accommodation can set you up to give you the same apartment or home, so you can enjoy the luxury together. This can also be good for students who have made friends in their first year at university and would like to move in with them but don’t want to leave the safety and ease of living in halls over renting a house.
Our final reason why you should choose luxury student accommodation over halls is the freedom promised. Believe it or not, there are a lot of rules at halls and simple things like having your friend come up to visit you can turn into a complicated process as you try to apply for a visitor pass for them. You’ll love the freedom and luxury of this type of accommodation so make sure that it’s your first choice for renting!