Valencia Rent Prices Down

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Prices for rental properties in Valencia, particularly along the popular Costa Blanca, are much lower in 2009 than in the past several years according to reports from the region. Owners of apartments and villas have noted a large drop in bookings and have had to make deals to encourage travelers and renters to visit the Spanish region. Some estimates have prices as much as half of what they were in 2008.


In addition to the drop in prices, tour promoters are offering special deals for free or discount meals, free parking and other services at discounted prices. Many travelers are waiting until the last moment to make their plans and seeing what kind of specials they can get, or, if they will be able to afford a holiday this year.


The tourism association Ashotur is just one that is predicting lower tourism levels for this summer. Current predictions for occupation of rooms and rental properties stand at 50 percent for July and 60-65 percent for August. With such low demand, prices will continue to be very good for travelers in 2009.


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