Thinking of Selling Your House?


These easy fixes could boost your home’s value for next to nothing.

You do not have to spend thousands to boost the value of your house. Whether you’re selling your home or just want to renovate it for yourself, these easy tips will maximise your property’s potential without breaking the bank.

First impressions count

Something as simple as sweeping the dusty driveway, or replacing a flimsy doorknob with a sturdy handle, could make all the difference. Or paint the front door, window frames and fence. Making the front of your house more attractive to potential buyers will change people’s perceptions about your home and increase its value.

Apply for planning permission

Even if you can’t afford to get the builders in yourself, you can still entice buyers with the promise of potential extensions or loft conversions by applying for planning permission. Showing people that your home has potential to expand can increase its value by a couple of grand.

Change kitchen doors and drawers

Kitchens can be a deal breaker for buyers. Even you can’t afford to renovate yours; you can still give it a modern look by adding new drawers and door fronts. Making sure the entire kitchen is sparkly clean will also help to improve the value of the property.

Blitz the bathroom

A nice bathroom can improve your home’s value by up to three percent. Simple things like a new toilet seat and covering a discoloured bathroom floor with tiles or sheet vinyl make a real difference.

Paint it white

To make the rooms in your home seem larger and give buyers a better idea of how the house would look with their belongings inside, you can’t beat a fresh lick of white paint. Neutralising the property in this way could add around £3000 to the value of your house.

Clean the carpet

Musty carpets can put off buyers even if the rest of the home is spotless. Getting them professionally cleaned is an inexpensive investment and shows that your home is well looked after. Don’t be tempted to splurge on brand new carpets, as many buyers will end up replacing them after they move in.

Tidy the garden

Gardens are a huge asset, adding up to 20 percent to your home’s value. Spruce up your garden by weeding, mowing the lawn, repainting the fences and adding some bright flowers to prove your outdoor space has potential.


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