The London Olympics and mortgages for non nationals

USHE Overseas mortgages specialists have secured mortgages lending for non nationals wishing to buy property in London UK. The company have witnessed increased demand for UK real estate owing to the forthcoming London Olympics
USHE can now secure lending in the UK to individuals residing in FATF countries. These include Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Aruba), New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, Aruba, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, South Africa, starting at a fixed rate for 2 years of 5.39%
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of national and international policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing.
International real estate investors who have researched the Olympic effect on property prices will be keen to buy into the regeneration that is taking place around the site of the Olympic Games. Previous hosts such Athens, Sydney and Barcelona all saw boosts in their house prices. Increases were reported included a 63% rise in Athens in the five years prior to the 2004 games, Sydney Australia rose 50% in the same period before the 2000 games and those in Barcelona climbed 131% in the five years before the 1992 games.
Director USHE Anna Brewer “Property prices in London are likely to soar with the establishment of improved transport services and urban regeneration generated by the London Olympics. This is a good opportunity for non nationals to take advantage of financing for property in London.
It is anticipated that 100,000 new homes will be built in the area due to the various improvements associated with the games. 
 The race to buy UK real estate close to the Olympic venues in and around Stratford, east London has already began with agents in the vicinity witnessing an increase in interest from UK investors.
John Wriglesworth, a housing economist with property website Hometrack, was quick to talk up the effect of the Olympics on London’s property market: “East London will see huge economic benefits, including regeneration projects, new developments and the creation of the Olympic Village, all of which will impact positively on house prices in the surrounding area.” A recent Halifax survey concluded that housing in areas close to the Olympic venues would experience price rises well above the national average.
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