The marina will feature many other facilities, such as gas stations, banks, swimming pools, restaurants, culture centres, cafeterias, shopping malls, sport centres, a beach club, heliport, a yacht club and yachting equipment shops. The state of the art facilities at the marina mean it is set to become an attraction in itself.
Situated just forty one miles from the Greek island of Samos, the facilities and sheer scale of D-Marin Didim will significantly increase tourism in the area and on nearby islands. Couple this with the new marina on Samos, located at the five star resort of Halcyon Hills, and the two new upmarket developments will invariably bring vast amounts of tourism investment into the regions.
Didim Mayor Mümin Kamacý hailed the construction of the marina. “Having many tourism assets with its history, culture and nature, Didim will welcome tourists during twelve months of the year, not only in summer months, after the marina has opened,” said Kamacý. “D-Marin Didim will help our district to begin a new era.”
Opening the tourism market to twelve months of the year naturally extends the need for accommodation and will increase property prices in these regions as rental demand also steadily increases. Property buyers at the Halcyon Hills Marina & Spa Resort will benefit from this new development as once this resort completes in 2011, the Didim marina would have established itself as the leading marina for the Aegean sea.
Luxury properties at the Halcyon Hills resort start at £160,000 with fractional ownership available on selected properties. Assisted 100% finance is available – terms and conditions applicable.
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