International Property Industry Descend at MIPIM in Cannes

  • 14 years ago
  • Uncategorized
The International real estate industry is set to descend on Cannes France for this years MIPIM (Marché International des Professionnels d’Immobilier) event in which 18000 participants will attend between March 16-19, 2010. MIPIM traditionally brings together thousands of investors, real estate professionals, corporate end-users and local authorities in one place at one time.

This year will see Boris Johnson, Mayor of London as a key note speak who will be presenting: “London’s approach to city planning” The Mayor leads strategies on transport, spatial and economic development and the environment working closely with, and setting the budgets for, members of the GLA group such as Transport for London (TfL) and the London Development Agency (LDA). The Mayor also works with London’s local borough authorities to tackle issues facing the capital.
The event will include an exhibition zone, online community, conferences and promotion opportunities
Founded in 1963, Reed MIDEM is a leading organiser of professional, international tradeshows. Reed MIDEM events have established themselves as key dates in professional diaries. The company hosts MIPTV, MIPDOC, MIPCOM, and MIPJUNIOR for the television and digital content industries, MIDEM for music professionals, Four real estate shows – MIPIM, MIPIM Horizons MIPIM Asia and MAPIC

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