It is normal for one thing or the other to need fixing in your house. Time, wear and tear or misuses are constant factors that will affect properties in your home and the longer things stay faulty, the worse they tend to get. You should get it fixed quickly. But should you do it yourself or call in the professionals?
When it comes to house repairs, it is easy to do one of two things. Try to fix it yourself to save cost or ignore the problem until it becomes so familiar it would be odd not to have it present. Sometimes, these two actions follow each other.
Do it yourself. I love that phrase; it is rather empowering and appealing. These days, we can do almost everything ourselves. Thanks to the Internet, there are DIY hacks within easy reach in the form of step-by-step pictures or videos and it is amazing to be able to save money on small repairs. When it comes to some house repairs though, you should NOT do it yourself.
Don’t get me wrong, it is quite alright to be handy, romantic even in some cases. Changing light switches, replacing faucets, painting your walls, applying adhesives, fixing nails where necessary, oiling hinges and all the other straightforward and regular repairs can definitely be done by you if you have the time and skill. Some repairs only get worse with no technical knowhow applied, invariably increasing repair costs. Don’t roll your eyes, you know it’s true.
Why You Need Professionals
Professionals have three things going for them when involved in the repairs they’re needed for;
● Training, experience and skill–
This is what they do. They are trained for it and ready for all the possible outcomes during the repair process. They know the right tools to use and can advise you. A true professional, for example, understand where to get and how to expertly fix or repair stainless steel options for your balustrading project to give your property that modern look and functionality you envision.
● Time —
Some repairs require time and patience which some of us do not have. Remember that this is the professional’s day job and he has enough time for it.
● Complete safety awareness —
Most of us have a basic knowledge of safety such as “Don’t touch a socket with wet hands” or “Don’t light a match if you can smell gas.” Safety precautions, however, are sometimes specific and differ in different situations. A professional has the adequate awareness.
So, what kind of repairs REALLY require that you call in trusted professionals?
1. Serious plumbing repairs
I say “serious” because some plumbing repairs can be done by anyone. Replacing faucets or unclogging a drainage are straightforward. Not sure? Try the search engines.
But when you can’t see the source of the problem or don’t know what to do, you should call a plumber. Remember that water damage can be extensive and costly. Still not sure you should make the call? Picture a flooded house.
2. Electrical repairs
Electricity, as beautiful as it makes our lives, can be deadly; from electrocution to electrical fires. Changing a dead socket and fixing problems involving wiring are not the same thing. Every builder will tell you that there should be no compromise on electrical work. There are so many safety technicalities involved, it is best to call a professional. Think safety for yourself and your family.
3. Roofing repairs
A leaking roof can be a headache, especially when there’s no leak pattern. When you think you have it figured out and you’re sure you’ve found the spot; you put a bucket right under it. But minutes later, the bucket is empty and your rug is wet!
Roofing issues definitely require an expert. I know that back in the day, men would call their buddies over, climb the roof, and do the needful. And all they had to do was provide refreshments afterwards! Houses are bigger now, roofing more complicated and not everybody knows what to do. You don’t want to make things worse or fall off your roof.
4. Foundation repairs
Your whole house sits on its foundation. So, if it goes, your house goes. If you think you have foundation problems; a crack in the wall, sagging ceilings, you shouldn’t experiment or assume you’ll save costs by doing it yourself. Call a professional and get it done right. Remember, the foundation is as important as the entire house.
5. Gas repairs
Second guessing should not be an option for gas repairs. You know how gas problems can escalate. If you’ve checked or have no idea what to do, call the gas company and get it sorted out. Even if turns out to be something negligible, it is worth being certain.
6. Taking down walls or putting in cutting in windows
Removing a wall in a house involves more than just breaking it down. Same thing for installing windows; it’s not exactly a just-do-it job. Experts need to look at the architecture of the house and tell you if it can or should be done, how it should be done and under what conditions. This is because walls are usually connected and removing one could bring the whole house down. So, yes, you should dial the professional’s number on this one.
7. Extensive woodwork, steel balustrading and shade sails
Whether you’re replacing a bad door, installing wooden floors, building or hanging cupboards, fixing steel balustrade or shade sails, or even fixing bed frames for your residential, commercial or industrial space, you need good knowledge on how to do it. If you don’t have that, get a professional and save time and money. You’re probably thinking it’s just a nail or hammer here, a saw there. But when it goes beyond everyday repairs, don’t do it yourself.
It is certainly alright to do things yourself to save costs, try new things or even have fun. It is important, though, to weigh the consequences of not getting professional help and hazards involved. You may end up spending more money than you would have before doing it yourself.
Invest in quality repairs. You should work with this: if you don’t know what to do about it, get someone who does. You could also try creating a small directory for repair professionals in your area. That way, not having their contacts will not be an excuse in repair emergencies.