Central American Tourism Increasing

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized
Tourism increases to Central American countries from Europeans is on the rise with the British leading the way. According to reports 50,939 Britons visited the region from January to June 2008, which is 11% more than in 2007, when 45,778 arrived during the first quarter of the year. The figures coincide with an announcement that a new promotional campaign is being undertaken by the Central American Tourist Promotion Agency.
The campaign is aimed at British travelers who may be thinking about visiting Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. London will see 30 London of its cabs featuring the Central America brand and its main products, in order to attract potential tourists.
Central American Tourist Promotion Agency, with the participation of Central America’s Ministries of Tourism, Taca Airlines, and 82 private companies based in Central America, launched its new campaign aimed at Central America’s second most important European market
Panama has become a very popular destination in Central America, and with good reason. It has seen tremendous growth over the past few years and the government has invested heavily in new infrastructure and tourism. There are many great little boutique hotels in Panama City to enjoy, and Bocas del Toro is a group of islands off the Caribbean coast that are gorgeous.
Honduras is home to the largest coral reef in the northern hemisphere and is just starting to catch up to its neighbors. As such, prices for most everything are much less than in nearby Costa Rica and even Belize. The island of Roatan is off the Caribbean coast of Honduras and is a great place to enjoy the reef or even learn to dive.
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