Bahamas tourism boom set to impact property market

  • 11 years ago
  • Uncategorized

An improvement in tourism prospects for the Bahamas is also set to have a positive effect on its housing industry, reports.

The Bahamas have long been a favourite tourist spot for travellers from across the world. Now, with holiday bookings to the islands buoyant, it could also soon become a property hotspot.

Whilst the archipelago (which is made up of around 700 islands) has no official property index, straw polls from local agents have claimed that interest is picking up – following a fallow period between 2007 and 2010 when prices dropped by as much as 40 per cent.

This has been attributed to renewed interest in the Bahamas, which is attributed to the double digit growth being forecast for 2014. In real terms, this could mean 1.5 million people spend one night or more in the Bahamas next year, in addition to the 3.5 million stopping by on Atlantic cruises.

As such, there is only one reason which has been hailed as a barrier putting some people off; the absence of official property statistics. Without this, it is seen as something of a step into the unknown, albeit only from an investment perspective, claims.

For British buyers who opt to take the plunge, though, prices on offer may seem rather hard to believe, with two-bedroom beach front properties being available for less than £100,000.

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