Australia Tops Investment Destinations

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized
Australia comes out on top of the list of best countries in the Australasia Region for property investment, with China and Japan right behind it. The Investment Intentions Asia Survey, conducted by the Asian Real Estate Association, the European Association of Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate, and the Pension Real Estate Association asked potential investors what markets in the region they like the best.
Nearly half of the investors and managers of funds that invest in other funds believe that Australia and Japan are the most attractive markets in Asia. Approximately 41% of the respondents put Australian and Japanese office as the top investment choice. The survey included the largest global investment firms such as LaSalle Investment Management and Blackrock.
Breaking down the survey shows that 64% of fund-of-fund managers, those that invest in other funds, listed Australia as the preferred location. 58% of investors had Australia on top and 40% of fund managers had it first. Additionally, most respondents expect the Australasia real estate market to recover in 2010, with many looking for a beginning in late 2009.
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