One of the most daunting and stressful tasks we can do is to move to a new house. Even the thought of the sheer amount of logistics and organising that needs to be done can be overwhelming.
Fortunately, while there’s no way to completely remove the stress of moving, there are things you can do to simplify the entire process. Our tips below will help you pack and unpack faster, reduce the amount of work, and make the whole process a lot smoother.
Follow our advice to avoid the worst of moving-day chaos and you’ll be settling into your new home in no time.
Find a Removalist Company
Tackling an entire move by yourself can be daunting and stressful. You’ll likely get tired, irritated, and lose your patience. So why not just cut all that out and hire a removalist company?
You can use a site like Muval where you can browse and compare prices and read reviews for different local removalist companies Australia-wide.
Make A Checklist
A checklist is a great way to stay organised during the general chaos of moving home. This list should include everything you need to do before the move-in day, whether it’s hiring a removalist (check!) or everything you need to do if you’re selling your old home.
During a move, important tasks can easily be overlooked or forgotten altogether. But with a checklist keeping track of everything that needs to be done, you’ll avoid a lot of stress and won’t have to rush around as much.
Set A Timetable
An effective way to stay on top of all the tasks you’ll need to do on your checklist is to create a timetable to go along with it. Set specific dates for certain activities, like packing up the bathroom or picking up the moving boxes.
Using your time effectively is key in keeping the stress of moving to a minimum. The last thing you want to be doing is having to madly work through your entire checklist with a week before the removalists arrive.
Before you even start packing any boxes, and since you’ve got your tasks and timetable effectively organised, there’s never been a better time to catch an episode of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and get declutter.
We accumulate a lot of things in life, a lot of which just takes up space in our homes. Whether you don’t have the room in your new place or are just looking to get rid of a few things you’ve been meaning to, now is the perfect time.
Going through your closet to get rid of clothes that don’t fit is a big help, as you probably have a whole lot of things that you don’t wear anymore. For those things that you won’t need at your new place, it’s best to list them on selling exchanges.
Eat Through Your Kitchen
Another useful tip for making the moving process simpler is to eat as much food in your cupboard as you can before the big day.
Getting creative with recipes will help cut down on the number of things you need to take over, while you can also do some good by donating anything you don’t use to a local food bank or charity.
Make Use of Towels and Linens
Instead of buying a whole load of bubble wrap, you can make use of the towels and linens in your home by wrapping up fragile things in them before loading them into a box.
From your drinking glasses to lamps and vases, towels should prevent anything from getting broken. It’s also a good idea to wrap your cutlery up into your dish towels, securing it with a rubber band or hair tie.
Colour Code or Label Boxes
Another great way to make the whole unpacking process easier is if you’ve labelled your boxes beforehand. Colour coding is also a great way to organise your things, making it a breeze to find what you need without rummaging through your entire collection of things.
Make Nice with the Neighbours
Finally, a great way to start off in your new home is to let your new neighbours know exactly what day you’ll be arriving. They’ll appreciate the gesture and be able to let you know if there are any places the moving truck can’t park. After the move is all said and done, you will already have made a great impression.