Home Security

Understanding the Role of Utilities in Home Insurance

Have you ever wondered how your home insurance premium is affected by utilities? From utility maintenance to upgrades and insurance benefits, this article helps you understand the role of utilities in home insurance. Get a look at how insurers evaluate utilities in a home and how it increases or decreases costs. What are Utilities in the Context of Home Insurance? Utilities are essential systems...

Top Home Security Tips For Vacation Properties

Vacation properties offer a tranquil and personalised escape from the daily grind, allowing us to relax and recharge. However, when these properties are left unoccupied throughout the year, unsurprisingly, they become vulnerable to a myriad of security risks. With this in mind, it’s crucial to ensure the safety of your vacation home and protect your investment by implementing effective security...

Essential Home Security Trends To Watch Out For In 2023

  The FBI reveals that it takes the average home burglar eight to 10 minutes to grab a few valuable items, with some taking as little as 90 seconds, according to a report on The Healthy Journal. Home break-ins are a major concern for homeowners and tenants. That’s why many homeowners are investing in home security systems like CCTV cameras to monitor who has access to their...

How To Improve The Security Of Your Rental Property

  Security is a must when you’re going on vacation, going to work, or going anywhere else that leaves your rental property vulnerable. So how do you protect your property? To protect your property, you should look into options that best suit your environment. Keyless entry and access control are two ways that can improve your overall security. Both ways include getting rid of a key and...

How To Safely Charge Your Electric Vehicles at Home

  Electric vehicles (EVs) such as electric cars, vans, and trucks are becoming more common and popular. There are several ways to charge your vehicle's battery from an ordinary wall socket or a generator connected to it. To charge the batteries of EVs using generators is safe because most utility companies regulate the voltage from the generator. But charging with a standard household outlet can be...

7 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Buying Cheap Home Security Systems

  - Are you thinking of buying a home security system? - Do you know where you can get one? - Do you know what things you should look for before buying the system?   These questions are essential to answer when you decide to buy a security system for your home. We understand that the cheap security devices seem attractive for obvious reasons, but you should not go for them because...

Life insurance for homeowners [2022 guide]

    What is life insurance? Life insurance is essentially financial protection for our loved ones to protect against a worst-case scenario. You choose a cover amount (a sum assured) the length of the policy (a term) and pay a monthly fee (a premium) to receive the cover. If you pass away during the policy term your beneficiaries receive a cash pay out. There are multiple types of life...

Here’s What You Need to Know About Home Security Systems

Home security systems have been around for a long time, but they are constantly evolving with the technological advancements. When considering if investing in a home security system is right for you, here are some key aspects to keep in mind. Security Systems Can Operate Without Power A common concern for homeowners is what happens in the event of a power outage? Does the security system still work?...

How to keep burglars away from your holiday home

  Let’s set the scene.   You have just enjoyed a lovely couple of weeks sunning it up in your holiday home, topping up your tan and getting a well-deserved break from work.   You’re packing your stuff up and are all set to head out on the road when, suddenly, you start to worry about whether the house will be OK in your absence. What, if anything, could you do to keep it...

Five Tips for Keeping Your Home Safe and Secure While You’re on Vacation

Going on vacation is supposed to bring a sense of relaxation. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. You may be laying on the beach soaking in the rays of the sun, but your mind may be back at home wondering if you turned off the stove before you left. Don’t get stuck worrying about how safe and secure your home is when you should be relaxing on vacation! Take the time before you leave...

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