Do you have some spare cash that you’re thinking of putting into a property investment? Whether it’s come from the sale of a previously owned house or a divorce that just got finalised, we all want to put our money to work.
Ideal Ownership Period for a Buy to Let Property?
The shortest buy to let investment is usually 3-5 years. There are certain costs involved with purchasing an investment property. Offsetting these with profits from rental income and future capital gain is difficult when owning for less than three years. There are some exceptions, of course – for example, cases where you’re putting in an unusual amount of work into the property after its purchase – but for the most part, you’ll want to align yourself to those numbers if you don’t want to end up disappointed.
Boosting Property Value
There are plenty of things you could do to ensure that your property will sell for more in the final deal. Architectural additions are one of the best examples, and simple interior changes can also affect the property’s value a lot. Make sure that you align these with current trends in your respective market though, as it’s not rare to find out that the changes you’ve made to your property actually end up making it less attractive to certain groups.
If you want to play it safe, prioritizing function over aesthetics is always a good bet, and something that you can easily argue the value of in negotiations. When it comes to aesthetic improvements, people tend to be a bit more reluctant to accept your changes as positive ones, so keep that in mind before you do anything too significant.
What Should You Do When You Wish to Sell Up?
If you wish to sell slowly, then a regular estate agent is fine. However, if you’re looking to move faster to release the equity for a different investment, then you have some options. One of the options is to choose a cash buyer who doesn’t have a chain to satisfy. Another interesting option if your property is up in Scotland is to sell it to Fast Property Sales. They buy houses and flats for cash within a week or so.
Ultimately, if you cannot put money into a property for several years, you’re best off investing your capital elsewhere until you can commit for longer. Real estate is a market that moves very slowly and rewards those with a lot of patience, while those who rush their purchases tend to face multiple issues in the long run.
Familiarizing yourself with the many intricate details of the real estate market is important before making any serious investments in it. There are many factors that you’ll need to keep in mind when purchasing a new property with the intent to profit from it, and if you’re not careful – or aren’t patient enough – you may find yourself with a lot of wasted capital and no easy way to recover and get back on the right track.