April 2021

4 Considerations When Selling Your House

  When you purchase your home, you’re probably making an investment of a lifetime. Consequently, when you sell your home, you need to ensure that the process goes smoothly and that your investment pays off. Many reasons exist for selling a house, such as upsizing, downsizing, investing, job transfers, and retirement. These are all striving toward the same goal: sell your home...

How to keep burglars away from your holiday home

  Let’s set the scene.   You have just enjoyed a lovely couple of weeks sunning it up in your holiday home, topping up your tan and getting a well-deserved break from work.   You’re packing your stuff up and are all set to head out on the road when, suddenly, you start to worry about whether the house will be OK in your absence. What, if anything, could you do to keep it...

Tips for choosing the right location when buying abroad

  Entering the property market in any capacity is a decision that needs to be carefully considered, but especially if you’re purchasing property abroad. This type of investment requires time and planning, as well as a thorough understanding of the market you’re entering into. Location is an incredibly important factor in any property purchase and you need to think long-term about the...

These 8 Tips Could Save Thousands In Home Renovation Costs

Most often than not, significant upgrades can be expensive if you don't pay attention. Therefore, if you are on a tight budget, you may want to focus on saving as much money as possible while remodeling. Budgeting for your renovations is a crucial aspect of planning. Remember to budget for any unexpected costs—as well as incidental expenses like eating at a restaurant while doing a kitchen...

Is It A Good Idea To Buy Property After Finishing College? 4 Valid Arguments

When college students graduate, there's often a subtle pressure to get their lives in order immediately after school. They might feel the need to apply relentlessly for job applications or buy a car. Although the second option is definitely not a wise idea, there's nothing wrong with making a profitable purchase after finishing school.When studying, we spend money on all the necessary school supplies,...

How You Can Get Started In Real Estate By Investing In House Flipping

  Real estate is an industry that makes billions of dollars every year. It’s considered one of the best investments you can make for your portfolio. Even when the market is bad, people always need a place to live.   There are many ways you can dip your toes in real estate, one of the most popular in recent years is house flipping. House flipping is when you buy a house for a low...

Checklist for listing your home on the market

Below is a checklist to consider when listing your home for sale on the market with an agent: 1. Decide on an agent and ask them questions! How long have you been an agent?Can you provide references or reviews?What is your commission?Are there any judgments against you?Is your license in good standing?Why should I choose you? There could be more questions that should be asked depending upon your...

How Letting Agents Can Benefit from Skip Tracing

The property rental market is a very competitive one, and things can be extremely challenging for letting agents. For those with a lot of properties to manage, there can be a tremendous amount of work involved. Letting agents have to deal with all aspects of property management from doing references and checks to signing agreements, inventories, and much more. This can obviously be extremely...

Very Interesting Countertop Trends

There is a reason that Michelangelo’s David was sculpted from marble. For thousands of years, artists have had the wherewithal to know that the soft, translucent stone is able to refract and reflect light in such a bright and beautiful way that it is practically unparalleled and still used as a sculpting material to this day.  You may have walked across the polished marble or stone floor of a...

Real Estate Investment in Norway – Can I Sell My Home Easily in Norway?

Among other Nordic countries, Norway seems to be the richest. In fact, it is the top richest country across the world. As an example, Oslo it’s been recognized as the top startup pivots, being one of the fastest growing cities across Europe. It is mostly because Oslo keeps a friendly environment, stable government, and strong economy. Besides, Oslo has insanely fast and advanced...

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