Below is a checklist to consider when listing your home for sale on the market with an agent:
1. Decide on an agent and ask them questions!
How long have you been an agent?
Can you provide references or reviews?
What is your commission?
Are there any judgments against you?
Is your license in good standing?
Why should I choose you?
There could be more questions that should be asked depending upon your situation. There is also the possibility that you can sell your house without the help of an agent. Studies have shown that owners receive more money on average when listing with an agent but every home sale is unique.
2. Agree on a listing price!
An appraisal may or may not be necessary but a competitive market analysis (CMA) should always be performed. A CMA is the most accurate way to evaluate what your home is worth. It compares recent home sales near yours of similar square footage, number of bathrooms, etc.. If your real estate agent does not use CMAs or does not know what they are-run! CMAs should be used anytime when listing a home on the market. There are tons of websites that can give you a reasonably accurate estimate of your home value as well. You should also factor in needed repairs when determining a listing price. Take all information into consideration as every dollar counts!
3. Is it time for a spring cleaning?
When prospective buyers are viewing the property you want to make it so they can imagine themselves living there. If the house is cluttered, unkept and the hedges haven’t been trimmed since 1999 it is worth the effort to tidy up. Keep your house clean, make the bed, take out the trash, put the laundry away, etc…Most buyers know within the first few minutes if they are going to put an offer in on the house. The more offers you have the more you may be able to negotiate a contract in your favor.
4. Paint pays!
Consider painting your walls to neutral colors. This goes right back to letting the buyer envision themselves living in the home. You may not need to paint your entire home but definitely consider painting any brown, yellow or pink walls. If your entire house is painted with neutral colors some filing of nail holes and touch up will suffice.
5. Stage left?
Consider staging your home. You don’t have to go crazy; sometimes minimal staging can make a huge impact. Staging is not for every house or every situation but there is a reason a lot of companies stage every single home they sell. Staging can get very expensive very quickly but there are other options like virtual staging which may better balance the cost and benefit.
6. Bills, bills, bills…
Selling your home is expensive. There can be a ton of fees and costs incurred throughout the process. Below are just a few of the more common ones:
Capital gains
Transfer and deed tax
Mortgage payoff (sometimes with an additional fee)
Title insurance
Home inspection
Settlement fees
Unfortunately this is not an all-inclusive list of possible costs. Do your research and make sure you have everything covered. We Buy Houses, LLC has a vast expanse of real estate knowledge and can help with any questions that may arise.
7. Show up to closing prepared!
Below are a few of the things that you may need to bring to closing:
Drivers license
Purchase contract
Final utility bills
Selling a home can be overwhelming! Hopefully this checklist has helped you narrow your focus on what you need to do to ensure a successful home sale.