Washing machine repairs: Be prepared for the worst

There’s nothing worse than an unexpected bill that you can’t afford. The struggle of trying to continue with your everyday life with ease can be stressful enough without the worry of trying to gather the money for the repair bill. Your day is ruined, and your clothes may be too. But don’t let an unexpected bill alter your life. Be prepared! The average washer repair is £245....

How to Create an Energy-saving Home

With energy prices on the rise, making your home more eco-friendly will help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint. It’s simpler than you might think, too. Start with small, everyday changes to the way you use energy and water and by the end of the year you could have saved a significant amount on your utility bills. You could also consider installing a wood-burning stove as wood is a...

Decorating Dos and Donts

When it comes to decorating your home, are you the ‘slap on a coat of magnolia paint’ type or do you like to plan out in precise style the location of the very last drop of gloss? No matter which type of interior decorating style you favour, there is a list of recognised dos and don'ts to adhere to. Before you even think about decorating however you need to figure out what to do with the...

Top Tips to Create a Custom Designed Bedroom

Bedrooms should be a place of comfort, privacy and serenity; a place where you can fully unwind, relax and enjoy a well earned rest. If you're lucky enough to be planning a bedroom from scratch, you are about to embark on an exciting project. Designing a bedroom allows you to be creative and put your own personal stamp on the space. There are so many things to think about when creating a custom designed...

Easy Money Saving Tips

  A good part of the year 2013 has been a testing time for the world economy. However the later part of it and the beginning of 2014 seems to have brought some relief. The world economy has started to breathe a little more freely. This global economic turmoil has definitely left some adverse effect on our individual finance. And if we were to take some lessons from the recent past we should try to be...

5 Green Eco Ways To Clear Rubbish

I don’t know about you, but I am always trying to find ways to help the environment.  I try to make sure that everything that I do has as little negative impact on the environment as possible.  Part of this is looking for new ways to get rid of my rubbish.  It can be difficult to find cost effective and Eco friendly ways to clear the rubbish out so I have come up with a list of 5...

House Makeovers To Create a Sparkle to Your Home

House makeovers for 2014 – a new year, new hopes, new resolutions; so why not have a new vibe to your home too? While extensive re-doing of the kitchen, bath or bedroom every year is not feasible for most of us, certain simple makeovers most certainly are.  Here's a list of our favourite picks from what you can do in 2014 to add a new sparkle to your home. Make it purple. Or blue. Or...

Easy steps to buy property in the UK

Apartments in Great Britain England is a country with a thousands years of history, steady-state economy, unique traditions and popular tourist attractions. The property market remains an attractive proposition to many overseas buyers. With demand outstripping supply buying a property in many parts of England can still be very profitable investment. With a growing population and a strengthen economy is...

Where to Buy Property In Turkey

Promising a low cost of living, as well as cheap property with good growth potential, Turkey could become a key market for retirees. Despite some recent political troubles currency fluctuations has made Turkey even more attractive. “Much of Turkey’s economic growth is based on its geographical position, bridging East and West, and the access it has to Western European markets,” said...

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