Transporting Temperature Sensitive Goods

Transporting Temperature Sensitive Goods

Many manufacturers face a unique problem when transporting their products to the market. Food supplies are assuredly among this group, and especially those with products that require refrigeration from the plant to the store. Refrigerated containers are the common choice for this transportation need, and many large companies even elect to purchase their own containers when it is obvious they will be needed continually. Whether they are being transported to a warehouse or a sales outlet, it is vital to protect the merchandise at all times at all costs when the product is perishable. And for those who choose a rental option for products that are not continually produced, it is also imperative to have reliable equipment that can accomplish the job with appropriate delivery of the contents. This is actually not necessarily an option, and finding the exact container needed can be challenging for the temporary producer who delivers the goods on a seasonal basis. Here is some “food for thought” for all producers when making a choice for the right refrigerated trailer.


Different Types of Refrigerated Containers


Refrigerated trailers, also known in the shipping industry as reefer trailers, can come in many forms and sizes. Manufacturers shipping large quantities of goods will surely want to consider the largest type they can procure, but size is not the only element of evaluation. Cost-effectiveness is a serious concern as well. One thing is for certain in making the right selection of trailer, and that is the fact that one size does not fit all. Different trailers will have different specifications, and knowing what you need before making a selection is important. The specs tend to vary with certain trailer aspects such as:


       ●       Size

       ●       Brand

       ●       Utility

       ●       Suspension System

       ●       Doors

       ●       Insulation

       ●       Waterproofing

       ●       Liner

Specification Need


While size is a very important factor in determining what equipment is necessary for optimum transporting, a known brand is also a desired property for a first class reefer trailer. There are several name brands that are well-known among leasing and sales companies, and many shippers and manufacturers will recognize those transportation products. The amount of financial resources invested in a cargo headed to market can be extensive, and all companies want to know their goods will arrive intact and ready for sale right off of the unloading dock. Versatility can matter for many producers, whether they are intending to make a purchase or lease a unit. Maintaining the quality of the product is vital, and certain properties of a trailer like lining and insulation can clearly be important factors in a choice. Of course, many products can be damaged by water as well, and waterproofing of the trailer is essential for the most part. In addition, some products are sensitive to careful handling and security inside the trailer because damage can occur merely from using highways that could be in a bad state of repair. Air-suspension systems tend to alleviate this potential problem.


Best Uses of a Reefer Trailer


The obvious connection to refrigeration and food quality maintenance is first and foremost for the best intended use of a reefer trailer. Product liability issues can cost manufacturers countless financial resources when a shipment goes bad in the process of delivery, and many consumable food products leave the plant in excellent condition just to spoil on the way to the market. We hear of these contaminated food products on a regular basis, and the cause-and-effect is not always a plant issue. The problems could arise from an inadequate refrigerated container that has not been properly maintained by the leasing or sales company. There are other products that are temperature sensitive as well, but transporting food is primarily the best use and the only true option for many food producers.



There are many items of concern when making the decision to select the right container for shipping perishable items, but the most important may well be who you select as an outlet for providing the best equipment available. It is always good practice to evaluate expense and quality when making the choice, but selecting a reputable and established trailer leasing company is always the first consideration. When assessing the potential opportunity cost of a spoiled delivery, quality and dependability in your shipment trailer company is indeed the most important factor.


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