Retreat To The Country: Should You Move To A Rural Area?


Retreat To The Country: Should You Move To A Rural Area?


For the last few decades there has been something of a brain drain from rural areas to cities. People in their 20s are leaving in droves.


Lately, a new phenomenon is starting to happen. People in their 30s and 40s are moving back to rural communities and bringing life back to the country.


With the advent of remote working and people enjoying early retirement, there isn’t as much of a reason to stay in the city with all its ills.


Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons to moving back to the country.


Pro: You get a lot more house and land


Obviously, space is limited in the city so you are forced to live in a very small space. When you get out to the country, you have room to roam. Chances are that your nearest neighbor will live close to a half mile away.


You’ll have plenty of space to have a workshop, garden or even a huge pool. Inside the house, you can spread out and have dedicated rooms for your hobbies or guests.


Con: Houses can be old and need work


In rural areas where people have left some time ago, the houses have been left in less than optimal repair. With faulty foundations and leaky roofs, there are likely to be some things that will cost some money to fix.


You’ll need a trusted home inspector that understands the area and what to look for in country homes. A home inspector in Hamburg, NY is sure to understand better than one in Albany what a country house needs.


Pro: You can work from home for no commute


Being way out in the country usually means adding more time onto your commute to the city. These days, you can work remotely so you don’t have any commute at all.


Whether you are freelancing or working for the same company just out of the office, all you need is a good internet connection.


And with all that extra space you can set up a really nice home office.


Cons: A bit of isolation


Not commuting is certainly a very attractive perk. Yet, working alone can feel very isolating.


At least in a city, you can walk out of your door to a coffee shop or grab a bite to eat and see some people around. In the country, you’ll have to drive to get a coffee and chances are that things will be quiet since everybody will be at work.


It will take some getting used to even if you like the quiet.


Pro: Helpful neighbors


Country folk are almost always ready to lend a hand to their neighbors. Word gets around quickly when you need something and somebody is usually there to help out if you need it.


If it snows where you are, then surely somebody with a plow will clear your driveway without even telling you. If you need advice on what to garden, then expect a lot of your neighbors to offer their advice.


There is a bigger sense of community that you get in the country than you do even in the suburbs.


Cons: Everybody knows your business


The downside to a close knit community is that gossip travels fast. If there is any hint of a scandal in your family, then your neighbors will surely find out about it.


There is a lack of drama in these rural communities and people love a bit of juicy gossip.


Pros: Great place to raise kids


Having a yard and nature close by is wonderful for kids. In the city they can be stuck inside far too much. In the country there is a world of nature for them to explore and learn.


If you are outdoorsy then taking your kids hunting, fishing, skiing or kayaking on the lake is something that will form tight bonds as a family.


Cons: Kids can get bored


The flip side of that is that kids may get bored as they become teens. They don’t want to roam around and catch snakes all day anymore and are removed from many of their peers.


Socializing is hard for them to do if they don’t drive yet so that classic teen angst can set in. You’ll have your hands full driving them to the local mall and sports practice if they do that sort of thing.




Like any major decision, there is no easy answer as to what is going to be best for you. There a

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