How to Market Your Home Online

If you want to sell your home fast, you need to stage it with your target demographic in mind. People will always gravitate towards a home that fulfills a need they have. For instance, parents will prefer buying homes that are close to school districts and are kid-friendly. It is one thing to stage your home the right way, and another to market it towards the target demographic.



One of the best ways to improve your home’s visibility and make it sell faster is to target an online audience. This move is especially helpful in a world where more than 93% of home buyers rely on the internet when searching for a new home.


As long as you can use the right channels for marketing your home, attracting willing buyers becomes easy. Here are a few tips to make your home visible to online buyers:


List Your Home on Major Real Estate Websites


Real estate websites tend to be go-to resources for homebuyers. They contain a glimpse of what the current home market looks like, and could help improve your home’s visibility. While there are free home-listing sites, some will require you to pay a premium. This premium might only be a small price to pay to improve the chances of selling your home fast.


Besides, some listing sites tend to come with perks that could be useful in your marketing efforts. For instance, real estate experts at Houzeo note that premium listing real estate marketing sites offer cutting edge technology that allows you to complete listing paperwork, and make changes to your home listing online, such as including an open house. If you want your home to rank high on these websites, take some time to learn how to use them effectively.


Use Detailed and Attractive Pictures


Photos will describe your home better than words can. No buyer would ever want to waste their time visiting a home that doesn’t match how the seller had described it, which is why homes listed with great pictures will always attract more buyers. While you can take the photos yourself, hiring a professional photographer would be better.


Ensure that you highlight the main selling points of the home in the pictures, such as your pool, basement, or attractive hardwood floors. Take the photos after staging the home to show potential buyers how the home would look if they chose it.


Host Virtual Tours


If a potential homebuyer visits your home after watching a virtual tour, the chances are that they are quite interested. It all starts with how well you stage the house. Once you stage the home with the target audience in mind, take a video of it. The footage should:


       ●       Be real

       ●       Be interactive and responsive across a wide variety of viewing methods like desktop and smartphones

       ●       Be user-friendly. Hosting 3D virtual tours can make the home more appealing.


You can post the tours on your home’s website or even listing sites if they have this feature.


Leverage Social Media


Networking on social media could help your home sell fast, even without having to post about selling it on your personal page. For instance, you can always post details about the house on Facebook groups that potential buyers frequent. You can also create social media ads, which will most likely be presented to interested parties by the platform’s algorithm.



The secret for selling fast through social media is in how you describe the home. If you aren’t sure about this, visit other home listings for ideas. Check out how they describe the fireplace, number of rooms, special flooring, and other special features unique to the home.


Are You Ready to Market Your Home Online?


The internet can help differentiate your home from the competition, as long as you know how to use it. Even better, the fact that the internet provides ready homebuyers makes selling easy. If you’re a first-time seller, be sure to work with a reputable agent to help you market your home.

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