How to find the perfect long-term rental in Spain for you in 5 steps

Firstly, you must note that ‘long-term rentals’ usually aren’t for small summer holidays. They typically tend to be for people that want to live in Spain for a while to experience the culture, or to see if they would like to live/retire there. Many people who rent long-term rentals like to get jobs, make friends, etc. Therefore when choosing a long-term rental home, you must treat it as if you are moving into a permanent home. If you find somewhere you are happy living in, happy with the cost of and think that you could maintain then it is the long-term rental for you. There are many ways to choose the perfect long-term rental in Spain for you, so here are the 5 best ways to ensure you get the long-term rental that is perfect for you:

      1)      Seasonal Difference and Weather

Your possible long-term rentals in Spain should mainly depends in the part of Spain you want your long-term rental to be. In the more mountainous side of Spain, it is very hot through summer, but in winter can drop anywhere between 0-10˚. You must think about whether the long-term rental you want can withstand the different climates and weather conditions that Spain may throw towards it. If you rent a summer home in winter, then it is just your mistake and you will suffer for it. Think ahead of time when you decide on a place to rent long term, so you can prepare ahead of time.


      2)      Important infrastructure and Accessibility

Just like in a fire, you need to know all of your ‘escape routes’. Do you know where the nearest airport is to your long-term rental? Do you know how frequent the flights are to wherever your home country is? If you need to leave Spain suddenly, for a family emergency, wedding, funeral etc., it is helpful to know these things. If you have not already researched into this, you should. Before fully deciding on a long-term rental, you need to know its surroundings. Not only should you know where the nearest airport is but also busses and times, taxi cabs, restaurants etc. The easiest way to find everything at once is google maps.


      3)      Education

This mainly depends on either if you have children still in education or if you yourself are in education (university). You obviously need to keep your children in education, and you can choose whether to take a gap year, move universities to a Spanish one, or just stop it all together. Finding a school/university in Spain is not at all hard with the power of the internet, however, finding a good school/university takes some research. You likely want a school that speaks English, unless you/your children speak fluent Spanish, in which case you do not need to find an English-speaking school. However, what is important is an easy commute to and from school. There is no point in driving 3 hours in the morning and on a night to go to school.


      4)      Name Your Price

Likely one of the most important factors when it comes to choosing a long-term rental in Spain. You need to know if you can afford not just to rent, but to survive in Spain. Are you able to pay your rent, bills, food, and vehicle fuel etc.? If not for the long-term rental you want, you may need to downgrade to something a bit cheaper. There is no point in going for a long-term rental that you cannot afford.


      5)      Comfort

This one is hard to judge without experiencing the rental first, however, it is still very important. You need a villa that is comfortable for you. A pool you like, a seating area and TV you like, a kitchen you like etc. There is not point in going through all the steps above with a rental you think looks ugly and uncomfortable. The only way to experience the comfort of the rental, however, is to experience it firsthand. Sure, you can say it looks great in the photos, but the photos may be completely different to the actual rental. You do not have to rent the rental for a long period of time on your first time renting it. You can go for a week or two first to see if you like it and want to live fore an extended amount of time.

In conclusion, it all boils down to common sense when choosing a long-term rental that you want. Do you have enough money? Does it look good? Do you know its surroundings? These are all things that can easily be answered in a few minutes to help you to choose the perfect long-term rental for you.

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