Tips to Consider a Quick Home Sale

Selling your home can be a lengthy process. To minimise the time and cost associated with the process, we’ve created a few useful tips to consider. Preparing your home, or ‘staging’ as it’s known, is a very important part of the selling process. Buyers want to get a feel for the space, ideas on what can be done with it, and imagine living there. This translates to striking a delicate balance between showcasing your home’s personality and not overwhelming the potential buyers with too much stuff. Read below on how best to achieve this.


Wall Refresh

Buyers don’t expect homes to be in perfect condition but if there’s a lot of visibly chipped paint or the remnants of children’s artwork then it will make any home appear unkempt. Try to paint or clean the most obvious areas or rearrange the furniture to hide it, it will go a long way in making your home look fresh and appealing.


Furniture Update

It might seem counterintuitive to buy new furniture before you move out but if your current furniture has seen better days then it may negatively affect how your property is perceived. Wear and tear are most noticeable in large pieces and soft furnishings so look to updating your sofa if yours is particularly used.


Smart Declutter

No potential buyer wants to walk into a home that’s overflowing with stuff as it will be impossible to visualise how any of the things they own could potentially fit in. Instead, aim to not have too many ‘extras’ all around the home and keep the bathroom and kitchen especially clean since these are the areas that can spoil the overall impression of a home fast. Your home doesn’t have to be completely bare, leave at and decorative touches behind, showcasing the home’s style.


Tidy the Garden

Your garden doesn’t have to look designer but if it’s full of overgrown bushes and tall grass, then you can be sure that buyers will be put off. A neatly trimmed garden, free of random rubbish will always win out and make your home easier to sell.


Kitchen Cabinets

Everyone will be paying extra close attention to your kitchen, so you need to evaluate with the eyes of a potential buyer. Cabinet doors are not something we think to clean often but take this opportunity to give them a proper scrub. Should they still look worse for wear after a clean, consider re-facing the cabinetry— it will be considerably cheaper than replacing them altogether and increase the value of your home.


Décor Details

Another trick to make a home look instantly more stylish and inviting is to dot some plants around the space and light a few scented candles. Choose a fresh scent and space the candles around the living space, the warm glow will instantly make the room look better and the lovely smell will add a luxurious touch. Similar thinking accompanies plants, they’re a chic style touch that never feels overbearing or too personal, instead lending a fresh feel to any room.

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