10 Home Staging Tips to Sell Your Home Faster!

If you are thinking about placing your home on the market, there are several different things that you will need to do. One of the most important is making sure your home is ready for prospective buyers to view. By focusing on this area in advance, you can help to get it ready for a quick sale. In fact, in order to accomplish your goals and objectives, you should use these 10 staging tips to sell your home faster.

1. Get Rid of the Clutter

For most people, shopping for a new home can be a very exciting time. Especially, when people have been working toward this goal for a long time and they are ready to take possession of it. With this in mind, the dream that they envision is not a picture of a home filled with a lot of clutter. Therefore, when you begin staging your home for prospective buyers to see, you need to make sure that you do not have too much furniture stuffed in your rooms. Typically, when professionals in these industries get started, the first order of their day is to begin whisking away half of the furniture. By taking this action, the rooms will begin to look much bigger than before.

2. Repurpose Old Furniture Items

If you do not have a lot of money to take on this type of project, there are some creative things that you can do. Instead of throwing out old furniture that you do not use anymore, you can transform these items into new cool pieces. For example, an old brown dingy chest can be repainted with white colors and then used as a modern-day storage bin in a child’s room.

3. Lighting Changes

To re-stage a room, there is no better place to start than with the lighting in any room. The lighting can make a significant difference in setting the actual tone and mood that you want the buyer to feel. It is also important to note that there are different types of lighting that can be used to create the ambiance. For example, you may need accent lights for your walls and tables. Or you may choose to place certain types of lights under cabinets. In either case, there is a lot of great information on how to make a room look bigger and cozy to the buyer.

4. Change Out the Paint

If you have different colors in each room, it is time to update the look. Specifically, if you want your home to appear to be much larger than it usually looks. For instance, if you want your dining room and kitchen areas to look like a one big space, using the same color in both can provide the buyers with this illusion.

5. Use Your Accessories to Your Advantage

Dressing up your rooms may not be as difficult as you may think. In fact, just a few strategically placed items around the room can help to create the décor that you are striving for. You need items that will accent certain spots in the room to make it look much more inviting. For the ultimate look, you can begin to group these accessories by texture, size, shape, and width.

6. Cater to Your Target Audience

When making changes to your home, you need to keep your target audience in mind when making your staging plans. Depending on the prospective buyers and their profile, you should be setting up the home to accommodate a variety of needs. For instance, if you are living in a suburban area that features high-end homes, you may want to transform the kid’s bedroom into a home office space. On the other hand, if you are living in an area that caters to families with kids, you may want to transform that office space into a kid’s room.

7. Home Should Look Lived In

When buyers are looking through the home, it is very important that they picture their families living inside of the home. While you do not want clutter lying around on the floor or any other areas, you do want to add a special touch that shows that it is a comfortable space for everyone who lives there. For instance, in the living room areas, you should make sure that you add some side chairs, a coffee table, and other things that kicks it up a notch.

8. Add Life to the Rooms

Even though you may want the home to look spick and span without the added clutter, there are some things that can help you to make sure that you have added life to your home. The lack of life can be too sterile in nature, so you should add refresh fruit and flowers. However, make sure to avoid using artificial props in your stage. For example, artificial flowers are usually a big faux pas.

9. Room Must Have Clearly Defined Purposes

Remember, prospective buyers will be looking at the entire home to see how their families will fit into their new home. So, each room must have a clearly defined purpose for its existence. In short, no room or space should be left open without some kind of positive feature. This will prevent the new prospective owners from having to brainstorm what they will do with the added open space.

10. Don’t Forget to Stage the Outdoors

It is not uncommon for some members of the family to spend more of their time outdoors than they do on the inside of their homes. With this in mind, the back-yard areas will need to be staged too. From strategically arranging outdoor furniture to making sure the swimming pool is pristine, nothing should be left undone.

If you want to sell your home quickly when it is placed on the market, there are quite a few innovative things that you can do to stage it properly. Some of the most advantageous tips include arranging the outdoor furniture to accommodate the needs of buyers who enjoy spending time outdoors to repurposing old furniture items to create a brand new look. It is important that prospective buyers are presented with the best impression possible. 

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