6 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Old Age

According to a study by Age UK, one fifth of people make alterations to their homes in preparation for old age.  The main reason given for why these improvements were made was to maintain independence and remain in their home.  The majority of people who neglected to make improvements said that they did not want to think about getting older, however planning ahead could save a lot of stress and heartache.

If you’re currently looking for ways to prepare your home for old age.  Consider the following options.

Move Essential Facilities Downstairs

Lots of elderly people have issues with mobility, so one of the major alterations you may want to consider is moving essential facilities downstairs.  If you have the space available, having a bedroom and a bathroom downstairs could prove incredibly useful as you enter into old age. 

Consider a Stairlift

A less drastic option to moving your bedroom and bathroom downstairs is to have a stairlift installed to help you travel between the floors of your home.  Companies like www.home-elevator.net can advise you on the best stairlifts for your needs and quote you a price for installation.  Not only will a stairlift keep you safe, but it will help you retain your independence.

Remove Trip Hazards

Items like rugs and mats can be trip hazards no matter how old you are, but as you age, it can be harder to recover from your injuries.  Ensure items like these are either securely fastened to the floor, or removed.  It’s worth considering rearranging furniture as well to make access easier.

Upgrade Your Bed

It’s likely you already know the importance of a good night’s sleep, but as you age your comfort levels will change.  The type of mattress you found comfortable in your 40’s may no longer be comfortable for you when you are in your 60’s.  If you can afford to buy an adjustable bed, this is a great option.  Not only can you and your partner alter the different sides of the bed to your own comfort levels, but you can ensure that you are getting the right support for your body and spine.

Make Sure Your Home is Well Lit

A well lit house will ensure that you are able to get around safely and easily, so it’s important to consider your lighting options.  One good idea is to install motion sensor lighting in your hallways and bathrooms so that the lights will switch on automatically when you enter.  You could also consider investing in remote controlled lighting so that you can switch on the lights without even having to get up.

Make Sure You Can Call for Support

Whether you have a landline that is accessible in a number of different rooms, or a mobile that you keep on you at all times, it’s important to have access to outside support just in case it is ever needed.  Either program the name of a loved one or a healthcare support service into your phone so that you can quickly call in your time of need.

Although it may seem daunting, investing in your home now can help you maintain your 

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