Why you should always hire a professional to carry out your end of tenancy clean

Whether you rent a one bedroom student-friendly flat or a three bedroom family home, it’s essential to leave your property spic-and-span at the end of your tenancy agreement – but why? You’re moving out after all, so what does it matter?

Well, firstly, you don’t want your landlord to think you’re a complete slob now, do you?
If you’ve an ounce of pride you will make sure everything is as clean as possible and that’s where hiring a professional service like mollymaid.co.uk can help. Experienced cleaners will not only leave the property sparkling from floor to ceiling but they’ll also save you a job – something which is of paramount importance if you’re recovering from an end-of-year university party or are trying to balance work and family life with changing accommodation.

What’s more, hiring a professional team to dust, hoover, scrub and deep clean the carpets should also help you get your deposit back. Often, landlords will deduct money from your deposit to make necessary cleaning arrangements or repairs, so it’s important to leave things in top-notch condition so every penny can be returned to you. Sure, you will have to pay for a cleaning service but a one-off clean should not be expensive and will help you move from A to B with ease.

When you rent it’s also not always easy to clean while you or other people are still living in the property. By contacting a professional company, however, you can arrange for them to come when the house is empty meaning they can clean away without being disturbed and you won’t have to worry about popping backwards and forwards to hoover and dust. There are many ways to make moving day easier, but getting the cleaning duties booked in advance is a must.

Similarly, if the tenants have not called in professional cleaners, the landlord should definitely arrange for the property to be scrubbed. Preparing your rental home for occupancy must be taken seriously as new tenants will not want to see any signs of previous tenants and have the right to live in a property that’s in a good state of repair and well taken care of.

Moreover, if you’re a landlord with many properties it can be difficult to clean each and every one of them singlehandedly. You might do a half-baked job and end up with unhappy tenants, so getting a helping hand could save you a lot of hassle down the line. Cleaning services are quick and efficient, so even if you’ve limited time to get old tenants out and new ones in they’ll have the property ready in no time.

As house prices soar, families, students and professionals alike are entering the rental market. This means more and more people are living in homes that don’t belong to them and so cleaning must be taken seriously at all times by the tenant and the landlord – and that’s where professional services can help.

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