Tips to Keep Your Vacation Rental Property Safe and Secure For Guests

A popular trend in the hospitality industry is staying in an Airbnb rental property. It’s appealing to most vacationers because it’s not a hotel but provides all the luxuries of being at home, except guests are not at home… Think of it as a vacation at home, away from home.


When guests are searching for an Airbnb vacation rental, there are several features and amenities that they look for, including things like free Wi-Fi, a certain number of bedrooms, a pool, and a washer and dryer. But out of all those features and amenities, can you guess what the one feature is that people care about the most?


If you guessed safety, then you guessed right.


Believe it or not, safety is a much bigger concern than having a pool or fully stocked cabinets, and as an Airbnb host, ensuring the safety of your guests should be your number one concern.

True enough, figuring out how much your vacation rental can earn you is important to your ROI, but you also have to factor in the fact that if your property is in an unsafe area or doesn’t make people feel like it’s safe, then, you won’t get any ROI at all because no one will want to stay there.


Fortunately, there are quite a few safety precautions you can take to ensure the safety of your property. Just be sure that for every safety measure you take, you make sure to list it with your amenities and features property description.

Safety Measures to Take to Keep Your Vacation Rental Property Safe

Regularly Check For Repairs

After each guest visit, you want to go back to your property and assess it to make sure that there are no unnecessary repairs that need to be done. For instance, if there is any type of crack in a window or door, or if neither will properly close, not only can it give way to potential intruders but it can also put the property at risk for weather damage as well. If weather damage goes for too long left untouched, it won’t be long before bigger issues start to arise.

Privacy Fence

If your rental property doesn’t already have a privacy fence, what better time than now to go on and invest in one? By having an outdoor privacy fence around the perimeter of your home, you’re not only giving your guests actual privacy and deterring the likelihood of theft and burglaries but you’re also enhancing the curb appeal of the property as well as creating a property boundary. There should be no worries about people or even dogs making their way into your yard.

Security System

Just because you rent your property out to vacation guests, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to treat it with as much care as you would your own home. Your vacation rental is your home too because you bought it and own it, so just as you want to make sure your home is safe while on vacation, you need to have that same mindset for your vacation property investment as well… The best way to do that is to invest in a security system.


Some great features to have in your property’s security system include:


       ●       Carbon monoxide detection

       ●       Security cameras

       ●       Alarm monitoring

       ●       Glass breaking sensors


When you list these security features on your property listing, potential guests will immediately want to book with you just from a safety standpoint alone. Just be sure that when you have the security system installed, you change the code after each visit. It’s not very likely to happen, but just to be on the safe side, you want to always change the code in case a previous guest decides to come back and wreak havoc on your property.

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