Tips For Downsizing


People have started to focus a lot on decluttering their spaces and living tiny. It is a good idea to do this. You will have a freeing experience when downsizing your home. It helps in cutting down on clutter and the amount of space you have to clean and tidy, which leads to less stress for you. There are many benefits you can expect to get from decluttering, but you have to deal with the initial process which can be challenging.


You will end up being overwhelmed if you choose to try to do everything at once. Once you have decided you want to downsize you will want to sell your house fast. The best approach when you want to declutter is breaking down the process into smaller tasks. It is important to have a plan in place and always keep things organized. You need to stay positive about how your life is going to be simpler once you are done with the work. Below are a few tips that will go a long way in helping you with downsizing when changing to a smaller home.


1. Having a Plan

You should begin the process with a plan (you need to start making one a couple of months before the move) and focus on one room at a time. It is important to have all the specs for the new place. When you have the floor plan of the new place, you will have an easier time because you know the exact measurements of each room. This way, you can easily know how the furniture is going to fit in your new space. This will help you avoid a lot of stress when you move in because you will already know what fits and what doesn’t. Before packing and loading your belongings into the moving truck, you will know what fits and what doesn’t. You will have the chance of getting rid of items that don’t fit and plan on buying ones that fit.


You should also visualize yourself in your new home with your belongings. Start by finding a comparable room in your old house and the new one; e.g., your old master bedroom might be the same size as your new living room. You will get the chance of visualizing it more clearly than just seeing it on paper.

When people downsize, they keep a third to half of their belongings on average. How much you are going to keep depends on the difference between your new home and old home.


2. Organizing into 3 Piles

You should have three piles when organizing your belongings:





Doing this makes the process of decluttering a little easier. Having a “maybe” pile is not a good idea because you are going to be sentimental about that stuff and you end up keeping them.


Most things in your household are recyclable, so you should avoid throwing them away unless they cannot be recycled. You can sell or donate almost everything. There are many charities out there that are looking for items and clothing stores that will recycle textiles. Some will come to your home and pick up the items you want to donate.


3. Digitizing Photos and Paperwork

There are many efficient ways to store documents and photographs electronically and clear up space. The process doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as using a digital organizer or scanner. A good example is a Neat Organizer. Another option is finding a company offering these services. It is going to cost you a small fee but is going to do a lot for your decluttering efforts.

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