Real Estate Marketing: 4 Reasons To Use Property Management Postcards


Property management postcards are ideal marketing tools for realtors. In the age of technology where virtual marketing has been making waves for the last decade, postcards are still effective because they can help create brand awareness.

Postcards are still one of the best ways to engage your potential clients. Here are the benefits of utilizing postcards to your advantage in real estate:

Postcards Are Open Mail

Closed mail and open mail are the majority of what mail carriers deliver to homes. Property management postcards are open mail, and you want to take advantage of that as a marketer. Closed mail is related to stuffing envelopes that can contain in-depth promotions. It has all the information that a loyal customer will have time to open and soak up.

But when you’re also marketing to potential customers, you want to eliminate the possibility that they’ll ignore your mail. Postcards are a great marketing tool because they require no envelopes. Just like brochures, you pick up a postcard, and you’re ready to read what’s on it. Customers instantly see the visuals that are more likely to pique their interest. 

Once you decide to use postcards, it’s best to place one promotional-only instead of stuffing it with more. Your customer’s time is precious and won’t likely care if it feels like a sales pitch.  

Non-Cluttering For Customers

Postcards are single pieces of cards that have limited space. You must exercise your creativity to cleanly place everything your customers want to see and get them interested. A well-made postcard is aesthetically pleasing and will likely attract some of your recipients. They’ll keep it until the day they need your services.

Real estate postcards are for everyone. Whether you’re a firm or an independent realtor, it’s easier to market using postcards in a target sales area and let people know when you’re selling a duplex nearby, for example. That’s because, unlike business cards that will feature your name, title, and contact details, you can include properties you’re responsible for buying and selling. You can also include your professional photograph to help customers mentally place a face on the name and foster brand familiarity.

Plus, postcards are harder to ignore than emails that are more likely to be deleted or overlooked. You’ll probably look into your mailbox first and find one.

Drives Traffic To Your Website 

Postcards containing your business website direct your recipients to your business website, generating traffic simultaneously. Why not have your social media account printed on it as well? Your target market will be able to share your message and access more information they need or might need in the future.  

Postcards make great tools to tell your potential customers about a special event, whether you’re holding it at a place of business or online. Utilizing postcards is another way to stand out in a market where you can encounter aggressive competitors vying for attention. You need to learn how to market in various ways to attract the right customers so they’ll visit your website. 

Postcard marketing is another area you can tap into and help you leverage your brand by reaching out to future paying customers.  

One Mailer Shows Off Your Expertise 

Most professionals use business cards when introducing themselves or as a way to network. To make a better impression on potential customers, especially when you’re a real estate marketer, postcards can help people identify who you are and what you do.  

Contrary to most direct mail marketers, postcards are anything but a one-time read. Postcards reaching the homes of different recipients mean that potential customers are targeted. Once a postcard lands in a potential customer’s mailbox, if that customer is looking to buy a home, you’re opening an instant opportunity for your business wherein they can begin the business cycle anytime.

A targeted message that shows your potential clients why they should use your services and how they can reach you will likely contact you immediately if they’re looking to buy or sell a house. You care enough about what to put on your postcard, and recipients are more likely to trust you; and with the direct mail marketing approach, it’s something that more prominent companies might not venture into. 


Property management postcards are good marketing tools for realtors because they utilize crafted messages for targeted recipients. They’re also better than business cards as they’re more attractive due to the visuals. Property management postcards make it easier for your recipients to see the link to your website where they can find out about your business. Postcards make great marketing tools and can complement other ways of marketing as well.

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