How to generate real estate leads through Instagram?


Instagram is one of the most visited social services. Leading companies and brands from all over the world are represented here, which means that you can become even closer to your audience, become more accessible, and introduce people to your activities at any time, even when you cannot pay attention to personal negotiations. Moreover, nowadays people want to buy from people, from niche leaders, and a blog on Instagram is an effective tool that allows you to reveal your expertise to a huge audience and build trust. In this article, we will discuss how to turn Instagram into a generator of potential customers for real estate business owners.

How to create a selling profile?

An Instagram profile is the face of your brand and your business card. Therefore, from the first seconds, it should be clear who you are, what you do, and how cooperation with you can be beneficial.

Your personal photo should show a friendly demeanor and give your brand a professional look. In your profile description, write a thesis bio in the real estate industry that will attract attention, describing in detail your experience, values, and interests. Support your professionalism with numbers, facts, statistics, etc.

Develop a unique selling proposition. It should not only emphasize the strengths that distinguish you from your competitors but also show specific value for potential customers.

Use calls to action to increase user involvement. It’s effective to redirect users to a site where they can dive deeper into the specifics of your work. You can pack your experience into an e-book, or checklist and use it as a lead magnet, placing it in the profile header.

Pinned stories are an important design element with which you can increase trust. Happy customers are your brand ambassadors. Their opinions and recommendations on your page will give your brand social weight. So, ask some of your best clients for feedback. Reviews work well in writing, but photos and videos are even more effective.

An important factor that affects the retention of a new audience is the level of popularity of your profile. When people see that the trust in the brand is confirmed by the majority, they are more willing to engage in content and make a subscription decision faster. Therefore, at the start, an effective solution is to buy real Instagram followers and other popularity metrics.

How to form an effective content strategy?

Marketing always works best when messages are focused on a specific market segment. So before you form your content strategy, determine your target audience’s portrait, their key needs, pains, problems, tasks, and desires. For example, marketing messages to investors should differ from those directed to customers who are first-time home buyers. 

If the real estate agency works on a narrow geographical focus, the main orientation should be carried out on the needs of clients in a particular city. 

Instagram is a visual promotion tool, where a beautiful picture is more convincing than any selling text. That is why the main component of a successful real estate page is beautiful and high-quality photos. Hire a competent photographer who will provide first-class pictures. 

Take care of the cleanliness of the room and remember that no matter what objects you offer: houses, apartments, apartment complexes, country estates – the main thing is to choose a good angle.  

Photograph not only the interior but also the exterior of the house. Specify under the photo that you can send additional photos if the client wishes. Provide everyone with a detailed photo report, telling about all the advantages and disadvantages of the room.

Create educational videos offering advice to home buyers, tell how to save on a down payment, focus on the importance of home inspections, etc. Post helpful videos to teach potential customers, step-by-step, how to solve problems they may encounter throughout the buying process. This is a good way to showcase your expertise and build trust.

Create a video that showcases the neighborhood atmosphere and micro climate around the homes you are selling. Your potential customers want to know that they are moving into a safe neighborhood with great schools, parks, and amenities.

Demonstrate other homes, restaurants, shopping centers, and other features that will help your buyers understand the type of community they could potentially move into.

In addition to your main content, publish entertaining posts. Offer your subscribers some interesting solutions for apartment renovation, share the latest real estate news, or talk about famous architectural projects.

Respond to every comment, even negative ones, regularly conduct polls, offer to participate in promotions, and communicate with your audience in every way. To increase the value of the content regularly buy Instagram followers, likes, comments, etc. It will form social proof, create high involvement and launch the process of organic scalability. 

Buying an apartment cannot be considered a spontaneous purchase. It is not a product of everyday life, and people can take months to decide on a purchase. That’s why it’s important to constantly warm up the audience’s interest, engage them, and build trust.

How to promote content?

Targeted advertising on Instagram is one of the best ways to generate leads. It provides wide opportunities for the selection and segmentation of the target audience that allows you to apply flexible settings and get clicks and leads cheaper.

Re-targeting is part of targeted advertising. This is a powerful marketing method that allows you to re-engage potential customers who have visited your page or somehow interacted with your account. This approach has several advantages. Repeat advertising reinforces your brand and creates awareness of your services every time a visitor sees your offerings. The person already knows and probably remembers you, so he is more likely to leave a request for details. 

Targeted advertising is not an algorithm but a constant test. With detailed analytics, a successful synthesis of strategies, creatives, and budgets can be identified. As a consequence, the results can be easily predicted and scaled.

To sum up, Instagram is a great platform for selling real estate. For rapid growth, use the tools in combination: generate useful content that meets the needs of your audience, maintain communication in comments to establish closer contact and increase trust, create constant inbound traffic through targeted advertising, etc. As a result, your Instagram account will become a valuable asset that will pay off over the long run with huge financial opportunities.

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