Finding the Right Real Estate Agent

Whether you’re buying a new home or selling one, having a qualified real estate agent in your corner can help to make the process go smoothly and uneventful. Most real estate agents have lots of experience but not all. Choosing the right real estate agent can help to move the process along faster and make the experience enjoyable. 


One of the most important traits of a real estate agent is their outgoing personality. After all, they work with the buyer or seller, attorneys, building inspectors and the banks. They should also be kind and informative. It’s important to find the right personality that suits you and feel a connection with the first meeting. If you don’t feel comfortable with this person chances are it’s only going to get worse. You’ll be spending a lot of time together on the phone and in person either looking for a home or scheduling open houses and appointments for the sale.  

Knowledge of the Market

The real estate agents like the ones I found at a Laguna Beach real estate office generally operate within a limited area. Because of this, they often know ahead of time homes that are going on the market. This gives you an advantage over searching through a newspaper or online for home sales. They also know what a home should sell for saving a new seller weeks of frustration and lost hours by eliminating an overpriced listing. Of course, when it comes down to it, the real estate agent can only advise the seller as to what the current market is and what the price range should be. The seller can then either agree or disagree and then decide what to list it for. 

What’s in the area?

When you move to a new town or state it’s impossible to know where the best places to live are located. This is particularly important if you are raising a young family. You’ll want answers to many questions before considering a property like What schools are nearby. What’s their rating? Is the neighborhood safe? What’s the crime rate? How close are the shopping centers? When you use a real estate agent they are familiar with the area and can give you a tour of the high points in the area after you find the right home. 

How do I know if the contract is right?

When you find a home and the seller accepts your offer, the next step is the contracts. These are binding and legal documents that you should not sign until you fully understand and agree to the written terms. If you hire an attorney, they will review it with you and advise whether or not to sign. They can also revise it and then have you sign it with the revisions. If you are not using an attorney and decide to take the word of the estate agent you can expect much of the same results. They are very familiar with contracts and their language and know where to look to see if everything you had concerns about is included. 

Finding a professional real estate agent can take the stress off your shoulders. With their understanding of the markets, what interests buyers and the demographics of the surrounding area, you’re in good hands whether purchasing or selling a home.

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