Zurich voted best city on earth to live

  • 11 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Zurich has been named as the best city on earth in which to live, standard.co.uk reports.

A survey by Ipsos Mori saw volunteers from 24 countries rank their favourite cities from a longlist of 48 to find which was the best overall. It was New York which took the crown, although special mention was given to Zurich after it topped the chart for best city in which to live.

In total there were five categories: world’s favourite city, best to live, best in Europe, best for business and best for visitors. London was the only city to appear in the top five of all categories, whilst New York managed a similar feat – minus only the European category, of course.

When it came to living arrangements, however, it was Zurich which took the top spot, keeping popular city Sydney in second place. London, Paris and New York, meanwhile, completed the top five, which provides international real estate vendors with much food for thought.

Specifically, when looking into responses from individual countries, some rather unexpected trends began to emerge. For example, Brits were among those rating Antipodean cities most highly, despite being almost as far away from them as it’s possible to get without leaving the planet.

Not only that, Spaniards appeared to favour Northern Europe over anywhere else, despite the colder climates, ipsos-mori.com claims.

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