Overseas property portals Homesgofast.com and Property-Abroad state that USA was the No.1 place for buyers making enquiries for real estate during August 2009.
Homesgofast.com carries over 150,000 international listings offered by developers, real estate agents and private sellers from over 70 countries. The portal saw USA regions of Florida and Western New York attract the lion share of its USA property enquiries in second place was Brazil
Commenting about the results CEO Nicholas Marr said “It’s encouraging that portals are reporting increases in traffic and activity regions that generated more leads for our agents offer outstanding investment opportunities. Western New York offers tenanted properties that generate an instant income from only £20,000 whilst Brazilian property offer 365 days rental opportunities as well as great exit opportunities”
The impartial guides and advice website BuyAssociation point toward Brazil as the place to buy overseas property with a recent news item entitled Brazil looking to become the New Spain in overseas property
Meanwhile The Primelocation International Search Index indicated that the number of searches for property in Italy made up 6% of all international searches, sitting behind those for France, Spain and the USA.
Both Homesgofast.com and Primelocation report increased activity in August suggesting the buyers have stopped sitting on their hands were now prepared to look at what is on offer in the international housing markets.