UK Overseas property buyers are well informed

Overseas property agents are finding that the British are particularly well informed when buying property abroad. Buyers ranging from property investors to those looking to relocate for their retirement tend to know detailed information about the region in which they intend to buy
Overseas property agents International Property link (IPL) who sell overseas property from a range of locations including Spain, Turkey, Morocco, Italy Thailand and Bulgaria have certainly noticed the difference with the British buyer.
The companies recent appearance at the ‘A place in the Sun exhibition’ in Birmingham UK saw them meet hundreds of potential buyers. Steve Burns of IPL commented ‘We have seen a massive change in the knowledge and savvy of the UK public. Most of the people we spoke to had either done extensive research or were in the process of doing so. It is no longer necessary to “sell” a client on the idea of moving overseas, which is how it has always been in the past. Nowadays, prospective clients tend to know exactly what they want and where they want to be. The challenge is staying ahead of the competition by providing better products and a superior level of service.’
The reason for this increase in intelligence about the overseas property markets appears attributable to the vast range of sources of information which is now available to the British buyer these include:
Overseas property websites
It’s a fact that the majority of overseas buyers will use the internet to find information and homes to buy abroad. Some of the most popular overseas property web sites include:
Overseas property magazines
Overseas property magazines have always provided a relaxing and informative way to browse homes for sale and provide well researched advice. Examples include: 
A Place in the Sun magazine
Living Abroad
Homes Overseas magazine
Worldwide Property
Overseas property television shows
Overseas property shows are making the presenters household names and are a great way to see a location with your own eyes. All contain buying advice for the overseas buyers. They are great for introducing emerging markets and can be very influential for the indecisive overseas buyer.
Overseas property TV shows include:
I want that house ITV’s popular tea-time programme about buying a property abroad,
Living the Dream The BBC follows five families as they sell up and move overseas.
‘A Place in the Sun’ Channel 4’s Amanda Lamb shows the best properties on the market some very good research
Dream Holiday Home Channel 5’s Dream Holiday Home with presenter Carol Smillie’s show featuring properties abroad requiring some form of renovation
Overseas Property TV channels
Overseas Property TV channels available on Sky TV now include:
Real estate TV
Overseas property TV
Both give the buyers hours of information concerning buying property abroad
Overseas property exhibitions
Overseas exhibitions provide an opportunity to meet developers and agents and attend seminars offering essential tax, legal and buying advice. Some of the most popular UK property exhibitions are
Dubai Property Show
A Place in the Sun
Viva La France Show
International Property Show
Home Overseas
The World of Property
Moscow International Property Show
It is clear that the motivated UK overseas property buyer has a wealth of information at hand to assist them making the right choice when buying property abroad

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