UK Government give advice to overseas property buyers

  • 17 years ago
  • Uncategorized
The UK government is campaigning to help British overseas property buyers buy safely abroad. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office the official agency for advice and information for British Nationals Abroad is highlighting its advice in its “Know before You Go” campaign.
UK Overseas property magazines and other media are seeing the FCO advertising campaign aimed at  Brits who are buying real estate abroad. Some of the advice smacks of “nanny state” stating what would appear to be the obvious. One piece of advice includes making sure you have a valid passport before travel.
The FCO advice “9 things you should know before you go”
  1. Take out travel insurance for any trip overseas , make sure it covers you comprehensively for anything you might do or need
  2. Find out about your health entitlements and costs abroad
  3. Find out how to keep track of pensions, tax, and healthcare costs. Make sure you know everything in advance from the Department of Works and Pensions see
  4. Visit the FCO website to see if there are any risks associated with your destination
  5. Make sure you have a valid passport and correct visa for your stay
  6. At least 6 weeks before you leave find out if you need vaccinations. Your destination may carry risk of Malaria, Cholera and even Rabies
  7. Find out your welfare rights abroad some UK benefits are not transferable abroad
  8. When travelling in Europe take an EHIC form giving you reduced cost or free medical treatment in 28 European countries.
  9. Get a good guide book well in advance , a little local knowledge is invaluable
Overseas Property Portal advises their buyers some more practical hints for success. These include:
  1. Don’t rush.
  2. Get familiar with the island or location and the type of properties you’re considering.
  3. Know what you want from the property i.e. second home, business , investment etc
  4. Research the residency rules for non nationals
  5. Know the people and the lifestyle
  6. Get advice from a reliable source
  7. Select a reputable local lawyer
  8. Use respected real estate agents
  9. Don’t let yourself be pressured by a pushy salesman
  10. Independent advice is the best advice

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