Trancoso Brazil Now For Luxury Real Estate

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized
Near the southern end of Brazil’s Bahia State is the tiny town of Trancoso, where one of the best beaches in the country is located. For many years Trancoso was known as the ultimate hippie town, but in recent years it has become a favorite for high-powered Brazilians looking to get away from the crowds. Indeed, some residents of Sao Paolo and Belo Horizonte are known to helicopter in for a weekend visit.
Trancoso is twelve miles, or 26 kilometers, south of Porto Seguro, where Europeans first came ashore and encountered what is now Brazil. This portion of the southern Bahia coastline is called the Discovery Coast, or Costa de Descobrimento. While parts of this coast are quite popular, such as Porto Seguro, Trancoso still keeps its laid back charm. Along the water is the Praia dos Nativos, a gorgeous beach that keeps those who have discovered it coming back as much as possible.
While Club Med has a location not far from the town, there aren’t too many other high end resorts nearby. The Instancia do Icatu is a new development a little bit off the beach, and there are many other plots and small homes for those who want a place of their own here. Porto Seguros also offers lots of housing and resorts, and a little way up the coast from Trancoso is Taipe, where there are some additional small developments. If you’re looking for a getaway that’s quiet and beautiful, this is the place.
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