Tourism in Brazil Going Strong

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized
While the recent appreciation of the dollar has kept many Brazilians from traveling abroad, it has also been seen as a plus for the country’s travel industry. While many Brazilians are traveling locally, more and more foreigners are seeing the South American country as an inexpensive place to take a winter vacation in the sun. Brazil’s main travel and tourism season is the winter in the northern hemisphere, and Carnival caps it off each year.
When talking about Rio de Janiero, Álvaro Bezerra de Mello, president at the Brazilian Hotel Industry Association (ABIH), noted that “We did not even have any cancellations. Tourism in general in Brazil should do well until after Carnival, which is our high season.” He continued, saying that for the past several months occupancy rates in Rio have been exceptional, with over 90% of rooms taken.
The country is working to increase the visibility of Brazil as an international travel destination, particularly for those who want to get away from the cold winter months to a nice beach and plenty of sun. With the World Cup Soccer Finals coming to Brazil in 2014, many people expect international tourism to take off in the coming years.
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