Top American Property Site Advice Re Brazilian Real Estate

  • 14 years ago
  • Uncategorized
Brazil is undoubtedly one of the world’s property hotspots. Many agents and property experts have identified the South American country as the place to invest, but now GlobeSt, the respected American property site, has also thrown its support to the country.
“Nearly everyone involved with commercial real estate investment….says Brazil is the country to watch in the next few years,” reports the leading property site.
Brazil to become world’s fourth largest economy
This theme was recently echoed by leading property form Jones Lang LaSalle at their Insider’s Perspective Conference on Latin America. They predict that Brazil will become the world’s fourth largest economy by 2050.
Pedro Azcue, CEO of Jones Lang LaSalle’s Latin American division, believes that the Brazilian economy will grow by 7 per cent per year for the next five years. “We know that the emerging countries will lead us out of this global recession, and Brazil and Mexico will lead that charge,” he said. “We are no longer the backyard of the United States.”
Andre Rosa, regional director of Jones Lang LaSalle Brazil, highlighted various reasons why Brazil had been largely unaffected by the recession:
Interest rates are falling
Inflation is under control
The local currency is gaining strength against the dollar
Strong domestic demand
“There’s been about 40 million people added to the Brazil middle class in the past 10 years,” Rosa said.
Brazil property market outperforming many US cities
Rosa also pointed out that almost every Brazilian property market is growing at a faster rate than American cities. “Brazil is one of the best long-term, low-risk growth areas,” Rosa said.
The country is also benefiting from significant government spending on infrastructure ahead of the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympics. When a respected property site such as GlobeSt begins to recommend investing in a country to achieve good growth, it is surely time to take notice?

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