Test Case Holds Key to Future Housing Developments as Councils Go To War Over Planning Decisions

LONDON, December 1, 2016 /PRNewswire/ —

The High Court is set to judicially review a planning decision made by a District Council in Suffolk in what will be a test case with potentially far-reaching implications for housing developments in rural England.

The case which is being heard by the High Court at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on the 7th December, will examine whether a decision by Babergh District Council to allow a housing development in the picturesque and historic village of East Bergholt was lawful.

The judicial review will consider three points of law. In particular:

  • How much weight a local planning authority should give to Neighbourhood Development Plans which place limits on development and which are at an advanced stage but not yet finalised.
  • Whether the New Homes Bonus awarded by the Government to Councils as an incentive to develop more houses is capable of creating an undue pre-disposition towards authorising development or even outright bias.
  • To what extent housing policy should be interpreted in relation to the needs of the whole district or the particular needs of the local area where the development will take place.

For the full press release, visit:

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