Spring Cleaning Tips you Should Not Ignore


Everyone is busy. However, when spring arrives it is time to knock the dust off the shelves and renew the look and feel of your home. For most this means spring cleaning. Once you have gathered all the supplies it is time to roll up your sleeves and get busy. Some spring cleaning tasks you should be sure to do are highlighted here.


Change the Air Filter

Mold is a serious problem and in many cases a completely silent attacker. While you may know what mold looks like, there are some instances where its presence can go completely unnoticed in certain parts of your home – such as the air vents. If you are like most homeowners you likely do not check the vents regularly but this could be a breeding ground for its development due to the humidity and other factors inside of the space. You should not risk the potential breathing issues mold can cause. Instead, change your air filter regularly, which will prevent or eliminate most issues caused by mold.

Organize Your Pantry

As spring arrives it is all time to throw out all that winter comfort food that may have added a few extra pounds around your waste. Toss away all the leftover candy, Fritos from the Super Bowl and any other food that may have been in the pantry for more than a month. You should not settle for old and outdated snacks when you can toss them out and get healthier options to ensure your body is beach-ready come summer.

Replace Your Pet’s Toys

In addition to cleaning your home and freshening it up for the spring, you should also consider purchasing new toys for your pets. After all, after being carried around all winter, dropped everywhere – including the toilet – and cleaned repeatedly, they have likely seen better days. Rather than trying to clean it again, simply purchase new toys and get rid of the older ones.

Donate Your Old Clothing

Do you really need all the clothes in your closet? Do you even wear them? There is a very good chance that the answer to this question is a resounding “no.” Rather than keeping them around for another season, donate them to a local charity. Someone can likely seriously benefit from the clothes you no longer want and it will free up quite a bit of space in your closet.

Spring cleaning can encompass a number of different activities. Be sure you use the tips here to ensure your home is summer-ready. Hiring professionals who specialize in home, Commercial and office cleaning services in Calgary can be very beneficial.

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