Police Crime Website Will Help UK Property Buyers

  • 14 years ago
  • Uncategorized

The British home office launched a new website which reveals in detail crime trends and statics from England and Wales. Property experts reveal that this easily accessible data may affect the UK housing market and the way buyers research for a new property  


The Police crime map that covers England and Wales displays Colour-coded maps indicating levels of burglary, car crime and other offences. It also allows people who are considering moving to a new area access to local Policing teams.


Director of private house sale (for sale by owner) website The Little House Company Nick Marr “ Buyers and sellers no longer have to run around making their own enquiries when researching an area to buy their next home. Our experience shows that buyers sometimes receive bias information from estate agents and vendors about how safe a neighbourhood really is. Now they have access to truly independent data making a DIY home sale even easier.”  


Andrew Turner, Head of Residential Agency at Smiths Gore “While it is unlikely that the publication of crime statistics will deal a blow to the property market, property valuations are likely to come under increasing scrutiny with the introduction of the crime map. While we wholeheartedly agree that crime and anti-social behaviour cannot be swept under the carpet, surveyors are waiting to see if the crime map will impact on valuations to lenders”.


Individual forces have been compiling their own maps and posting them online since last summer, when the home secretary, Jacqui Smith, announced the scheme. The Home Office has now put all the maps together to form an overview of crime in England and Wales, which is available through its website.


The website can be found at www.Police.UK 


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