Rising house prices means bigger payouts for real estate agents in London UK where property experts say there has been a huge increase in the number of people selling property online.
The trend is being fuelled by rising house prices and homeowners’ growing disillusionment with estate agents and their large fees. Despite recent rate rises in the UK house prices are still expected to rise in 2007. Halifax bank predict house prices to rise by 4% whereas the building society, Nationwide, expect prices to rise between 5-8%. Higher prices mean larger commissions for London estate agents
House prices and selling online
A poll by London’s Evening Standard carried out late last year interviewed people who have sold their homes themselves. In one case the owner of a house in Kensington, West London, sold it privately and saved £82,250 in estate agent fees.
Private sale website sell millionaire homes
Matthew Lanham director of Homegofast.com “ Over the years we have saved home owners thousands of pounds, it is so cheap to advertise your home online sellers may as well give it a try. We have properties being sold privately worth up to 2 million pounds can you imagine the commission they will save”
How to sell property online
Those selling homes privately simply post the property’s details on a busy property web site, where potential buyers can view them and get in touch if they want to find out more. Once viewing have been arranged and a suitable buyer has been found both parties simply exchange solicitor details and the process begins.
BBC presenter saves a fortune selling privately
TV presenter Melissa Porter, from BBC2’s Escape to the Country believes she has saved herself tens of thousands of pounds on the sale of five properties through selling her homes herself
Sell your property online
No matter where yor home is in the world sell your property online Learn more
Useful UK resources that advise about selling home, selling property