Historic Hotel in Paris Now for Sale

  • 16 years ago
  • Uncategorized
The Hôtel des Ambassadeurs de Hollande, once owned by the late Paul-Louis Weiller, is now up for sale. The Parisian landmark was constructed in the late 1650s for the Amelot family and was originally called the Hôtel Amelot de Bisseuil. Mr Weiller was a World War I hero and successful businessman, and he purchased the house in the Marais neighborhood in 1951 and set about restoring it to its original grandeur. He was known for entertaining in a grand style and had many famous guests, from President Nixon and Prince Charles to Sophia Loren and Charlie Chaplin.
Mr. Weiller died in 1992 and his son, Paul-Annick, continued work on the restoration. He passed away in 1998 and now the family’s heirs have put the property on the market. The property consists of a total of 1,713 square meters and, in addition to its elegant and rich interior, includes a basement, courtyard, terrace, parking in an adjacent building and an apartment building. The total asking price for the property is estimated at approximately €35 million.
The beautiful home, along with its various components, is being marketed by a pair of real estate professionals, Phillippe Menager and Laurel Conway. Mr. Menager noted that “The Hôtel des Abassadeurs de Holland is one of the most exceptional properties offered for sale on the Parisian market.”
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