Germany A Favorite For Foreign Investment

  • 15 years ago
  • Uncategorized

Despite the current global economic crisis, Germany remains a top destination for international investors. A new survey by consultants Ernst & Young was just released and it shows that Germany comes out in sixth place worldwide and the top European country as a place for investment. The ranking was based on a survey of over 1,000 high level executives and decision makers around the world.


Ernst & Young’s European Attractiveness Survey points to Germany as the number one location in Europe and that is born out in the figures. For 2008, the country saw the number of international investment projects rise by 28 percent. One reason for this, in the eyes of international investors, is that the country is capable of withstanding the current economic crisis better than other countries, particularly within Europe.


37 percent of those surveyed predict that Germany will become even more attractive as an investment destination over the next three years, while 86 percent expressed confidence that the country has the ability to manage the crisis. The overall list is led by China, followed by the United States, India, Russia, Brazil and then Germany.


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