Brazil is set to join the oil rich nations that have seen their property markets sky-rocket on the back of rising oil prices. Two oil and gas discoveries in the last three months off the coast of Rio de Janeiro will catapult Brazil into the top ten list of oil producing nations. With oil starting to flow in 2010, the economy of Brazil and thus property prices are expected to receive a major boost. Brazil Property Advisors has analysed the most attractive investments in the Brazilian property market and is delighted to discuss the opportunities.
Brazilian energy giant Petrobras announced on Jan. 21st a new, potentially sizeable natural gas reserve near the Tupi oil field, which was discovered in November 2007. Although Petrobras did not disclose the size of the newest find, named Jupiter, it did confirm the huge potential of the area where the deposit was found opening the door for yet additional discoveries. The Jupiter discovery adds to Brazil’s already impressive energy resources, putting Petrobras’ oil reserves higher than Royal Dutch/Shell’s and Chevron’s and barely below those of Exxon and BP. Brazil is now getting closer to becoming a full-fledged energy powerhouse. The sudden availability of financial resources to invest in the country’s priority items, such as infrastructure and social programs, has the potential to boost the long-term growth rate of Brazil. This has been recognized by the financial community which has driven the Brazilian Real and the Brazilian stock market to new record highs at the end of 2007. The Sao Paulo Stock Exchange (Bovespa) closed 2007 with an accumulated rise of 72 percent in U.S. dollars, the third biggest rise among the world’s large stock-exchanges. The annual rise was overcome only by China’s Shenzhen (181 percent) and Shanghai (110 percent) stock market.
The confidence of international investors is best exemplified by the massive growth of foreign direct investments (FDI) flowing into Brazil in 2007. FDI doubled in 2007 to $37.4bn, exceeding FDI for Japan and India. Brazil was the third largest recipient – China was #1 and received $67.3bn. However, to put this into context, China’s FDI is not even twice the FDI of Brazil although China has a seven times larger population.
Why are the oil discoveries and the FDIs so important for property investors in Brazil? Other countries which have seen a similar oil boom and foreign interest such as Norway and Dubai, have equally seen their property market post record price increases year after year. House prices in Norway and Dubai increased between 2000 and 2007 at an annual rate in excess of 15%.
However, Brazil has more to offer than exciting economic prospects. Great weather year round, fabulous beaches and a famous life-style make Brazil an attractive property hotspot for international investors. It also has a very affordable cost of living, only a fifth of the UK, making it a very reasonable place to stay for the short and long term. For a holiday home, second home or retirement home, this is one of the best places to look. The Brazilian property market today is where Spain and Portugal were 25 years ago. Investors in Brazil can acquire beautiful properties in stunning surroundings, at prices simply unobtainable in most other overseas destinations.
The attraction of property investments in Brazil has been recognized by a growing number of UK celebrities such as David Beckham and Naomi Campbell who have all acquired property in the North east of Brazil.
Brazil Property Advisors has many years of experience in Brazil. Its staff regularly fly to Brazil to identify the best opportunities. Brazil Property Advisors spokesperson Luciane Pinto: ‘ Since Brazil is still an emerging property market, we guide UK buyers through the entire buying procedure. Many investors are bewildered by the procedures in Brazil we aim to make the purchase as easy as possible. They have a network of lawyers, financial advisers and money transfer companies in the UK and in Brazil.’
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Luciane Pinto
Mobile:07857 041 124
Phone +44 (0) 203 062 2364
Email: in**@br********************.com
Luciane Pinto
Mobile:07857 041 124
Phone +44 (0) 203 062 2364
Email: in**@br********************.com