Billionaire Positive About Brazilian Real Estate

  • 17 years ago
  • Uncategorized
Brazilian real estate has again made the headlines as a great place to invest in the property market. This time Brazil receives its seal of approval for investment from the Billionaire real estate and media expert Sam Zell
Brazil has been attracting investors to its sunny shores in increasing numbers as it appears to tick all the boxes as the next big place to invest. Overseas property portal which has been promoting Brazilian real estate for a number of years has seen how the market has now achieved broader appeal
Nicholas Marr CEO “ Brazilian real estate has been consistently popular with overseas property investors, despite the credit crunch Brazil offers investors low priced real estate that is set to make good capital growth’   
Sam Zell was also very positive about the countries appeal. “I’d buy Brazil,” Zell told the Milken Institute Global Conference. “It has the chance 30 years from now of being a bigger economic power than China.”
Zell is chief executive of Chicago Tribune parent and chairman and president of Equity Group Investments LLC, was responding to a moderator’s question on what single investment panellists would make in real estate.
Zell said the South American nation’s large population of 180 million people, highly-trained work force, and array of crops and natural resources has made it largely self-sufficient.
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