ADIT Brasils Second Real estate Webinar to Focus on Environmental Law

  • 14 years ago
  • Uncategorized

ADIT Brazil webinar on environmental law

On Thursday November 25th ADIT Brasil will be hosting the second in its series of webinars on Brazilian Real Estate.  Mr Ivon Pires, partner  of law firm Pires Advogados  will be leading the one hour discussion on Environmental planning from 10.00 Brazil Time (midday UK time).

Entitled “Understanding Brazilian Environmental Law” Mr Pires’ webinar will be an introduction to the Government’s legislation, explaining the various permits required, the differences between the state and federal environmental agencies, and the procedure for gaining planning permits and licences.  He will give examples of what can and cannot be undertaken and explain to listeners the correct way to operate.

Pires Advogados is a member of ADIT Brasil –  the Government-backed association for real estate and tourism investment in Brazil.  ADIT Brasil attracts foreign direct investment in land and real estate projects by introducing the most reputable Brazilian developers, architects, lawyers and related businesses to international investors including hoteliers and resort groups and encouraging the formation of working partnerships.For further information please see

In order to take part in ADIT’s webinar please register at

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